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April 3, 2011 – What Is Your Story?

4/3/11 Reverend David McArthur

We share our stories to connect and find out what’s going on. They change when we awaken to who we are – spiritual beings of power and purpose. You are not simply a victim of the 3D world. You have the power to call forth in life those things that are important to your heart. The way that Spirit tells you what is important is a call to your heart. The heart tells us what is important in our lives. Telling our stories is how we bring forth the power and potential into our lives. Create an affirmation to tell the story that is consistent with your heart. Say yes.

But it also takes expression – action. When you step into something new it asks you to stretch. Choosing to embrace the story on your heart asks you to change. You are free to create what you want – to turn it down or to go on. What’s the story on your heart where you affirm that you do not have the power, that the world controls you? How many times have you manifested that you’re almost, but not quite. If you grab hold of Infinite Power be ready to change and open to the power. Choose to tell a different story – the one in your heart – not the one of limitations.

God’s very nature is wholeness. You cannot have the manifestation of the part without the rest being in it. Yet you affirm limitation. What if the heart knows the wholeness of others, the wisdom and blessing in and of them? We create the world around us. Do we see problems, or do we see that we are in the midst of the greatest experience that mankind has ever had? That you’ve waited lifetimes to be here and birth this new consciousness of love and harmony? That you are one with Infinite Wisdom and choose to bring forth a world of love, harmony and wisdom? What do you want to call forth? What is on your heart? What we’re creating is so wonderful it’s worth all of us showing up! What’s your story?!!!

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