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December 15, 2013 – God as Santa

12/15/13 Rev. David McArthur
God As Santa

Christmas is a celebration of giving, when intention is set into motion. We create a time of giving and love in the Earth. Giving gifts is an experience of the Divine—because giving is the nature of God.

As opposed to religious teaching, spiritual teaching goes to all the children to let them know they are just as special as Jesus was. We use a grandfather figure with a flowing beard (God) who gives gifts and is dressed in red (for life and vitality). We don’t get to see him Christmas night (when we experience the Divine, most don’t recognize it), but he leaves the gifts (symbols of Divine love) in the home. The hearth (the heart of the home) spreads light and warmth throughout. The chimney is the vertical access to the higher consciousness. The North Pole (for Heaven) is real and the reindeer and sleigh that fly are the magic (the love) which makes it all work. There’s another part too, the asking—the list for Santa—to teach the children to open to receive.

The goodness of God is available to you no matter how naughty you have been because you are a child of God. The truth is, Divine love gives because you are.

When children grow they begin to understand they can give, and begin to know the truth and power of Santa: we are expressing the Divine. Generosity and abundance are as we express them and it is Divine.

It’s not about religion. As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston yearned for a joyous Christmas celebration in his home, and promised himself that when he had a family, they’d have a Christmas tree with all the trimmings. He liked playing Santa for his children so much that he also played Santa in New York City for 12 years. He would go to the post office and read the children’ letters addressed to the North Pole. So moved by the children expressing real need, he’d visit them as Santa on Christmas Day giving toys from their list. At one home there was a girl that stood off to the side. He went to her and in a whisper asked why she wasn’t joining in. She answered she wasn’t from the family, she was Jewish. He whispered back, “So am I!”

Thanks Spirit, for involving the commercial world in it, too. However, it’s not a commercial experience, but a spiritual one. Isn’t it wonderful—a joyous expression of Divine love! There are no conditions—you are loved and are the expression of Divine love! Let it flow—forget budgets! Affirm, “Santa lives in me!” I’m so grateful Santa lives through you!

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