Spiritual Focus this week: God Is My Instant, Constant, Abundant Supply
From Rev. David McArthur: Steps of Prosperity
We are going to create a wonderful world this year! A prosperous year! This Infinite Presence we are connected with wants to pour abundance into our lives. It is the only power; it’s not God and materiality. See God in all things. It’s how we connect with Spirit. In the story of the loaves and fishes (Matthew) are step by step instructions for manifesting into physical being what we want. The steps are
1. (awareness) Jesus said, “Bring them (5 loaves and 2 fish) to me.” Be aware of what is provided, not what is not there. What is wanted is already present in the spiritual.
2. (serenity) “He directed the people to sit down on the grass.” Make the people in your head, your critics, sit down. You can’t get rid of them, but it brings you into balance within.
3. (acceptance) “Taking the 5 loaves, 2 fish…” Accept what is there; it is the way it is. Acceptance is a beautiful thing. You know you’re not in acceptance when you’re complaining.
4. (love) “…and looking up to heaven…” Shift. Raise your awareness to a greater level. Thoughts don’t do it. It takes feeling, a different consciousness. God works through feeling. There is amazing power here. It’s amazing growth to know that everything is love.
5. (gratitude) “he gave thanks…” I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! The new creation is happening in our spiritual world and flowing into this one by way of our hearts.
6. (release all limits) “…broke the loaves” Break the old patterns. Pure spiritual love flows through our hearts and heals us. The hurt we carry is healed by that love. It removes those limiting ideas.
7. (active giving) “then he gave them to the disciples…” Send it on. In the physical world if you want more of something you take more. The spiritual world looks opposite to the physical world; if you want more you give more. Tithing focuses us on the giving, that it’s all God’s. And it brings it into the physical world.
8. (openness) “and disciples gave them to the people.” It is given to that part of us that is busy with the outer. We become open to both giving and receiving. It invites us into open receptivity. It fills us and satisfies the “yeah, but” people in our head. We experience the love, the divine.
Recalling step 4 (love), we enter into this with and through the feeling of love. The feelings of love and gratitude move to the places within us where we carry pain and we heal. I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! And there was more than enough! “…and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” 12 is the number of fulfillment.
Affirm God is my instant, constant, abundant Supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant Supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant Supply! Live long and prosper!