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July 10, 2011 – The Other Side

7/10/11  Rev. David McArthur

NDEs (near death experiences) and re-incarnation are beautiful understandings of the unfolding of the soul. But what are we to believe of afterlife experiences, of what takes place at the time of death or right after? Listen to the place in your own heart where you experience what is valid and what is not, and always remember God is good all the time!

Death is perfectly safe. What happens when the soul releases the body? Much of what we believe is shaped by the thought forms we have built up, our traditions and our experience, that draws us to that which embraces the transition. Regardless of which tradition we come from, we all expect some common experiences, such as support of loved ones there to help us make this major transition.

Life review at the time of death is very different. When we were in the body we were more judgmental, but this review is in the state of divine love, to bring understanding. We can choose where we go from here. We draw into the experience that which supports the soul. There is a huge variety of choices – an infinite variety. Some are still closely tied the the Earth experience, and will have “body consciousness” and focus on family or academics, as before death.

We still have choices for soul development. In John, 14, 1-3, Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” In the accomplishment of Christ Consciousness, where the soul has fullness of spiritual awareness, “there are many rooms” or areas for the soul’s development. Some are close to the path the soul had on Earth. Edgar Cayce said the soul can also go to other “planets” or frequencies (vibrations) of experience for development of the soul’s consciousness. They are really weird, and don’t relate to our 3rd dimensional understanding. Yet the sense of self (a different sense of self) is there. The soul touches realms of energy and consciousness different from what we know here, to bring growth and different dynamics. It is beyond what we can figure out, but infinite in choice, infinite in potential.

It is natural to sense contact with one who has just passed. They are telling that they are all right, and affirming that their presence goes on. It can happen even after long periods of time. Very often there is contact through dreams. An emotional connection. One of the beautiful things is to understand that even though the being goes on to some other plane, our love touches and blesses them, and theirs us. But our work is here and now. We are to focus on the choices we have. The important thing is that we are enfolded in so much love that as we grow through the many changes in this life and in death, we are taken care of every step on the way!

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