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March 25, 2012 – When Things Get Tough…Breathe

3/25/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

Everyday breathing is not consciously thought of. However, there is so much power in the breath when we do think about it.

In the book of Genesis, when the Creator made the most complex creation—human kind—He breathed into it the “breath of life”. And after His resurrection, Jesus stood among His disciples and “Then He breathed on them and said, ‘receive ye the Holy Spirit.’” (John 20-22) It inspired them and gave them the ability to go forth and create. Charles Fillmore said that the inflow of the breath corresponds to the in-spiration of the spiritual life.
In Messages from the Body, Michael J. Lincoln says when people have trouble breathing, it is a longing for mother love. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine. Breath in and be comforted by the Divine Mother. Connect with your Momma—breath in consciously that comfort you desire—the Mother Love which is right there. It is breathing you. Rest in the breath of God and be sure all is well.

When feeling lack, limitation, or financial trouble, stop and breathe. Take in Divine Inspiration. For health challenges it can restore the cells and make you well. Whatever the condition of your life. Why sit there and be freaked out? Breathe. Why let your power be taken away? Breathe and call upon the Holy Spirit. “Come Holy Spirit.” Let the Divine Mother comfort you. Feel something happening in your body. “Breathe in me, breath of God!” Breathe away all unforgiveness, resentment, anxiety. “Breathe in me, breath of God!” The breath of God is breathing you; know all is well.

Conscious  awareness of the breath is key—to peace, freedom, wellness, prosperity. Every goodness is available to you through conscious breathing. Whatever the challenge, all healing is available to you. Breathe!

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