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May 8, 2011 – Unconditionally Loved

5/8/11  Reverend David McArthur

Happy Mother’s Day!  Seeing a mother’s love enfolding a child is seeing a sacred experience. “Mothers have magic; they make you feel better without medicine.” Mothers let that divine love express through them, stepping into that Divine Mother expressing. Our mothers very often were the ones to express most deeply that expression of God’s love – many in spite of their own limitations and pain. We can send that love out, acknowledging that tremendous love flows through them and us. We are in it together.

Through our mothers we experience the presence of God, answering that we are loved completely – we are not a sinful mess. You are loved completely just the way you are! How much more does God love you! Your Father Who is in heaven “has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” Just being held in your mother’s arms – it’s through our mother’s love that we learn to receive love, to let that love enfold us, to open and receive that love. Yes, you are your mother’s child. You are also a child of Spirit, loved completely and unconditionally just the way you are.

Affirm, “I am loved completely and unconditionally just the way I am.”

You can feel that shift to the “mother” energy – that connection and care that is “mother”. Our mothers are not physically present in our lives for many of us. Yet this love knows no bounds and continues to be that love. Our job is to open and let it in. Let it lift you and touch you! You are the child of God so you deserve it!

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