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November 20, 2011 – 2012–A Very Good Year

11/20/11 Rev. David McArthur

What’s going to happen in 2012? The only thing all the seers agree upon is that 2012 is a time of significant change. Erik Gonzales, Mayan spiritual guide, says to “Stay close to the sacred fire and do not let it go out.” The sacred fire is in our hearts–it is love.

Our projections give us a picture of what we believe, not necessarily what will happen. As co-creators, the beliefs we choose to hold greatly affect what we do create in our lives. The Hopi say one possibility is that mankind enters into the 5th world of eternal peace. And, it is said, in the past few years we have done so! The Edgar Cayce readings say that a new world is being born. Spiritual consciousness will reach such a height of development that each individual will be able to communicate directly with the divine.

Yet to move to the next level of consciousness, to bring forth the consciousness where we can look at a time of peace, a consciousness of love and compassion, we have to address the things we haven’t yet resolved, those things that come up which express our fear.

But you know something that most people don’t yet know, that God is good all the time! That there is only one power– there is no struggle between two. We have the power to make a huge difference! Like our teddy bears today, on Teddy Bear Sunday, which we pass back and forth to get hugs as we put our love in them. Because of our compassion we can send our love this way to young folks going through their big changes in the hospitals.

So as you see people struggle, give your love and compassion. You have the power to invite the change to the greater goodness. Love and compassion for them and for us transforms that which is not yet in love and harmony and brings it in. We will see the awakening of hearts all over the world supporting each other in love. 2012 is the year of awakening hearts. It will be a bear-y good year!

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