December 2, 2012 – The Power of 3

12/2/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

The Power of 3

Do you want to step up your game? Do you see your previous hopes and aspirations unfulfilled? Do you ask yourself, “If I am truly God expressing, why can’t I make these changes?” Core negative beliefs rise up to stop us. We need to do something different.  Use the Power of 3. Align yourself on every level—Mind, Body, Spirit—to manifest your greatest desires.

There are various concepts of the Trinity. Traditionally it is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  1.Father: the infinite possibility, the all-knowing, the perfect all-ness. Everything. Divine I Am. It. (God without gender. The Bible was written by men in a very patriarchal time.)  2.Son: offspring of the all-ness, of infinite presence, made in the image and likeness, with all of the attributes, of It. We are the suns.  3.Holy Spirit: It in expression in our lives. The activity of It. The Holy Spirit is our personal gps.

When you are trying to manifest something, the Father has every desire to do it. 1. Align yourself with Divine Mind which is perfect, without doubts or what-ifs. Be in union with the Mind that created the universe and can create anything. 2. Then go to your intuition. Ask yourself, “What is my dreamchild? How do I give it life?” Remember you are a sun of It. 3. Connect with the power to act. 1, Align your intellect with 2, your intuition and 3, bring forth your dreamchild. What do you want to bring forth, to heal, to manifest? Align with the billions on this Earth at this time of year who are aligned with the idea of bringing forth the offspring of God. The energy now in the Earth is primed for it.

You have the Power of 3. As a beloved child of the Divine you have the power. When aligned with the Power of 3, a spark will shine a brilliant sun, and you will have all that you desire.

1. See it! Connect with Divine Mind. Visualize with clarity. See it as you would have it be.
2. Feel it! Align with the feeling of having it.
3. Be it! Live it! As if you already have it, because you do!


October 7, 2012 – Cut It Loose

10/07/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

Cut It Loose

Have you ever held onto a dead end job, or a marriage which had run its course? A fig tree that did not bear any figs was cursed by Jesus. It withered and died right in front of Him and the disciples. He told them they could do what He did if they were aligned with their power. They could tell a mountain to move and it would be moved.

Metaphorically, the fig tree represents the human essence, the mind energy, which manifests our lives. The mountain, the seemingly insurmountable things in our lives which consume our resources without producing. How can we let these things go, fearing we’ll have nothing after that? Realize when something is not producing it is standing in the way of your own good. It’s an opportunity to say, “Hey God, where are You? I want to see You. I want to know You.” Awaken to who you are, to the power you are.

When do we cut a job loose? When we are more and more miserable. When we can’t remember the last time we felt any joy in it. When we resent going to it. A marriage? When you have done all you can. When you have done all the therapy and praying to come together. Cut it loose. The flight attendants are told when the smoke is too thick, when the water is too deep, when the fire is too near—get out and save yourself.

There is fear of letting go. “I don’t know. I can’t do it. I’m not worthy”. There is fear of being left alone. But you can’t be alone! We are together in our Mother|Father God. Know it’s going to be wonderful. You are a child of the universe and it conspires for you to get what you need and desire. What created you is standing ready to give you all you need to be what you were created to be!
First, open your mind to see what prevents you from cutting it loose—fear—doubt—a core belief? Then open your hand to receive, a finger at a time if you need to. A closed hand gives the universe no opportunity. It is conspiring to fill the void. Then bless this “mountain”; send it on its way to reach its highest good. And forgive it. It served you, it served your soul.

That job—cut it loose. That dead end relationship—cut it loose. That house you are holding onto which does not bring joy—cut it loose! That fig tree that no longer serves—cut it loose!


October 7, 2012 – Cut It Loose

10/07/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

Have you ever held onto a dead end job, or a marriage which had run its course? A fig tree that did not bear any figs was cursed by Jesus. It withered and died right in front of Him and the disciples. He told them they could do what He did if they were aligned with their power. They could tell a mountain to move and it would be moved.

Metaphorically, the fig tree represents the human essence, the mind energy, which manifests our lives. The mountain, the seemingly insurmountable things in our lives which consume our resources without producing. How can we let these things go, fearing we’ll have nothing after that? Realize when something is not producing it is standing in the way of your own good. It’s an opportunity to say, “Hey God, where are You? I want to see You. I want to know You.” Awaken to who you are, to the power you are.

When do we cut a job loose? When we are more and more miserable. When we can’t remember the last time we felt any joy in it. When we resent going to it. A marriage? When you have done all you can. When you have done all the therapy and praying to come together. Cut it loose. The flight attendants are told when the smoke is too thick, when the water is too deep, when the fire is too near—get out and save yourself.

There is fear of letting go. “I don’t know. I can’t do it. I’m not worthy”. There is fear of being left alone. But you can’t be alone! We are together in our Mother|Father God. Know it’s going to be wonderful. You are a child of the universe and it conspires for you to get what you need and desire. What created you is standing ready to give you all you need to be what you were created to be!
First, open your mind to see what prevents you from cutting it loose—fear—doubt—a core belief? Then open your hand to receive, a finger at a time if you need to. A closed hand gives the universe no opportunity. It is conspiring to fill the void. Then bless this “mountain”; send it on its way to reach its highest good. And forgive it. It served you, it served your soul.

That job—cut it loose. That dead end relationship—cut it loose. That house you are holding onto which does not bring joy—cut it loose! That fig tree that no longer serves—cut it loose!  

March 25, 2012 – When Things Get Tough…Breathe

3/25/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

Everyday breathing is not consciously thought of. However, there is so much power in the breath when we do think about it.

In the book of Genesis, when the Creator made the most complex creation—human kind—He breathed into it the “breath of life”. And after His resurrection, Jesus stood among His disciples and “Then He breathed on them and said, ‘receive ye the Holy Spirit.’” (John 20-22) It inspired them and gave them the ability to go forth and create. Charles Fillmore said that the inflow of the breath corresponds to the in-spiration of the spiritual life.
In Messages from the Body, Michael J. Lincoln says when people have trouble breathing, it is a longing for mother love. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine. Breath in and be comforted by the Divine Mother. Connect with your Momma—breath in consciously that comfort you desire—the Mother Love which is right there. It is breathing you. Rest in the breath of God and be sure all is well.

When feeling lack, limitation, or financial trouble, stop and breathe. Take in Divine Inspiration. For health challenges it can restore the cells and make you well. Whatever the condition of your life. Why sit there and be freaked out? Breathe. Why let your power be taken away? Breathe and call upon the Holy Spirit. “Come Holy Spirit.” Let the Divine Mother comfort you. Feel something happening in your body. “Breathe in me, breath of God!” Breathe away all unforgiveness, resentment, anxiety. “Breathe in me, breath of God!” The breath of God is breathing you; know all is well.

Conscious  awareness of the breath is key—to peace, freedom, wellness, prosperity. Every goodness is available to you through conscious breathing. Whatever the challenge, all healing is available to you. Breathe!

September 4, 2011 – For This I’ve Come, Lord Let Me…

9/4/11 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.

Everyone has challenges. When you are thinking, “Why me?”, why not you? Recall the story of Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4, 1-11). Metaphysically, the wilderness is the subconscious with all the erroneous beliefs– the things we think we’ve learned or have been told about ourselves. Jesus’ fasting shows we are to deny these erroneous human beliefs. And even for Him, when He needed to be cleansed of them, they came on harder than ever. So we must “fast” from them whenever they come up. The forty days signifies completion, which was then followed by hunger. That’s when those ideas tiptoe back. But we hunger for truth – to have it so badly– we will give those ideas up. We must listen to them to know them, but have a “comeback”– your truth that you have the power within you to overcome whatever challenges you. The word “Lord” in the Bible means the universal “law”. You cannot tempt the law, nor manipulate the universal law. If you align with it, everything works out. “Get behind me.” means “I no longer listen to you.”

Come into your self. Find where you are out of alignment with the law. Ask, “What am I not seeing?” OMG! A challenge can shift quickly when you find where you are out of alignment with the law. Everything is preparing you. What has happened to you really happens for you. You are being forged. Take your eye off the challenge. You are about to be called upon for something much grander than before. You are being prepared. Be grateful.

Five things to do when there is a challenge.

1. Tell your story. Pour your story out.
2. Feel it. Behind the feeling is the healing.
3. Look up. Above the condition. See the perfection in it as it plays out.
4. Reach up for your higher truth. Pray. Meditate. Read. Join a group.
5. Get up. Stand. Know God is there and will not leave you comfortless and is always with you.

And smile. Pray, “For this I have come. Let me do and say all you have put me here for. Thank you God. I am grateful. Even for the challenges which make me to be who I came here to be. Amen and Awomen!”