A number of years ago I sat on the porch of a log cabin in Montana and was looking out over a lovely meadow when I saw four bull elk with huge antlers slowly coming out of the woods. About 30 other elk quietly followed. Grazing and watching, they slowly crossed the meadow. I became aware in my heart of the tremendous connection I had with them. This awareness was such a gift that I still feel it even after seeing many other elk since. As you touch such a memory, feel it in your heart. Do you experience love flowing from your heart to that being? There was a flow of love to those elk that day. I was aware of a bond with this different creature.
Our Unity understanding has come from the experience of Myrtle Fillmore. In the last months of terminal tuberculosis she had a spiritual awakening, a special knowing that as a spiritual being she did not inherit illness. She felt that she could instruct her cells in wholeness. She affirmed life and vitality for every cell. In time the cells began to take on vitality. The affirmative words were vehicles to focus the love that was flowing through her heart to those cells, as I had felt the love in my heart flow to those elk. A connection was created. How simple, yet how powerful!
In Rising From The Abyss, Holly Reese tells about constant, excruciating pain in every part of her body. Such a thing is difficult to comprehend. She felt guided to see the cells in her right hand as “family” which felt angry, inflamed, and alone. “Send your love into the cells in your right hand…You need each other.” So she took a few moments to feel the love for the members of her “family”. It expanded and overflowed her heart. She saw it as a pink ball which flowed on a blue energy to the family in her hand. She drew on an infinite source, the love of her family. At some point she saw all the cells of her hand vibrating a happy pink. When she turned her focus to her left hand, it was still exploding with excruciating pain, but when she turned back to her right hand, she felt no pain there. It felt amazing, peaceful.
This was a first step. She used many things in the process of healing, but this was the point of movement from being powerless over what was taking place in her life to the creation of that which is whole and harmonious.
It is always powerful and transforming to let our love flow. Whether from pain or, as with the elk, for a greater experience of life, it flows to the physical needs of our body and to the emotional needs of our being. Whether in an experience of pain or joy, I let my love flow. I let my love flow. I let my love flow.
Every time that happens it is not only your individual experience that is lifted, but it raises the world that we share, because I know the love that you bring to the planet at this time. Thank you!