November 23, 2014 – Something Wonderful Is Happening Right Now

11/23/14 Rev. Mary Omwake
Something Wonderful Is Happening Right Now

Aloha! When you say “aloha” don’t you just feel happy? Your whole body opens up. “A” means “from the very first light from the beginning” and “lo” means “eternal”. “Ha”—we share the breath of God. “A-lo-ha”—from the very beginning, forever, we share the breath of God. “Aloha” lifts your vibration.

We live in vibration; that’s really all there is. We all want to live in a vibration where the highest and best comes. But a shock, a disappointment, takes the vibration way down. Then we don’t understand what’s going on. We’re not living in alignment with Spirit and our dream inside. We are less able to handle our troubles. Drama is created, and your vibration can be seen in everything that comes out of your mouth. But the universe must match your vibration. It’s all there is. If that is what you want, it gives you more. It says, “repeat!”

Jesus said that when you wake (when you know you created your troubles), you will be disturbed. But when you know, “you will be with me forever.” So when trouble comes, go down there, find out how you created it and clear the stuff out and come back. Seek and don’t stop until you find. Its the best worst thing that ever happens. And so when trouble comes, you know something wonderful is happening right now! The word for it is “apocatastisis.

If someone takes your parking space, say apocatastisis! Something wonderful is happening right now! It is the constant awareness of ever unfolding good. It keeps your vibration up to know this.

A CEO in Detroit dreamed of raising big horn cattle. He sold everything he had and left a high salary, power and prestige behind. He bought land in Oklahoma, but there was no water on it. He went to his spiritual mentor, who told him, “Apocatastisis. (Something wonderful is happening right now.)” He started drilling for water and soon had spent all his money without finding it. His mentor again told him, “Apocatastisis.” He spent all he could borrow from the bank, and from family and friends. No water. He was desperate. Again his adviser told him, “Apocatastisis.” With only enough money left for one or two more drills, he hit oil! The largest strike in Oklahoma ever. He never did find water, but now he can truck in all he wants for his herd. Apocatastisis.

Years ago I was on the beach in Maui listening to an interview with Warren Buffet. When asked when he might retire, he said, “Retire?! Everyday I get to do work I love with people I cherish.” It is the constant awareness of ever unfolding good. Apocatastisis! Something good is happening right now! God bless you!

November 16, 2014 – Dancing with the Rhythm of Life

11/16/14 Howard Martin
Dancing with the Rhythm of Life

Things are getting faster and faster. There are more things happening faster now than ever before. One reason is that we wanted to speed things up. We went from horses to trains to cars. And in communications, from the telegraph to the telephone to mobile devices. All this in just 150 years—a very short time. We had the intention to speed things up because the consciousness was speeding up. The driver inside is showing up on the outside. There’s a vibration change and it’s giving us more opportunity than ever before. Things are now changing too fast. There’s a rhythm in life and we find ourselves out of sync. To adapt, we need a new skill set.

I was a drummer from the age of 9 until I was in my 30’s, when I played for someone who was all about “the groove”. So I learned to find the sweet spot, the groove. I learned to find it in other areas of my life too. How do we find our groove and move gracefully through life?
We tend to want whatever we want now. When we don’t get it, we move into impatience. Impatience is not in “the groove”, it is the opposite. We feel upset. Impatience shows up in many ways in the spiritual consciousness movement, and that is that we all want the world to change. Look at the big buildup to the magical year of 2012. Even if we didn’t say so, we wanted the Big Change. So I felt in myself and in others a quiet disappointment when things didn’t change over night. And now it seems there’s even more aberrant behavior around the world. What happened to our world, to the Shift?

Be patient. Patience is the ability to let things flow, to unfold. We can learn to give things time to let things change in a kinder gentler way—kind of “easing” through it. Patience is a more subtle nuance of heart intelligence.
There is a tremendous amount of change in the world. It’s unfolding now. Already millions of people have come through changes in their beliefs. We’re about half way through it now (100 years already).

So don’t be disappointed. Yeah, there’s a hard road to walk but we, here, can make a meaningful contribution. Be patient with yourself. When you get the urge to change and want it done now, you go into self-judgment and that takes your “pitch” down. Then things get harder. Be patient. It’s people changing themselves that changes the world. It’s an unfoldment process. Be kind with yourself! Thank you!

November 16, 2014 – Put It To The Test

11/16/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Put It To The Test

This month, November, offers us a prime opportunity. For Thanksgiving Day, families come together to feast—and deal with their issues. But as they come together, they are of one heart, being grateful and giving thanks. The energy of gratitude is high this time of year. But what about the rest of the year? We get caught up in our activities and tend to forget the core appreciation we do have.

Science now shows us the power of the heart when it’s in gratitude, which goes forth from our hearts to draw to us more of what we appreciate. So let’s see what we might develop in this time when millions share this energy.

Everything Jesus did was a teaching point. He never made us feel he was more than us. That came from others later. But even when he raised up Lazarus he first gave thanks. He never did ask God for anything! He always claimed it or gave thanks for it. And science shows us that what we appreciate appreciates.

But there are things in our lives that don’t appear to be good. What if we use our elder brother’s method? What if, when our challenges arise, we have gratefulness for them? I haven’t asked for anything in ten years! But I have clothes and food and I came here to be assistant minister. Challenges happen for us (not to us). If we find the blessing in the challenge, the solution is there. What if we can hit a home run with the challenge? What if we prove God in the laboratory of our lives?

When you make your list, list everything, including the not-so-good stuff. All you need to do is be willing to be willing. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. Let’s see what God can do! Let’s check it out! Put God to the test: “Show me. I want to see.” Affirm, I Am Grateful for Everything! I Am Grateful for Everything! I Am Grateful for Everything! Yes, that’s what I’m talking about! Check it out!

November 16, 2014 – Put It To The Test

11/16/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Put It To The Test

This month, November, offers us a prime opportunity. For Thanksgiving Day, families come together to feast—and deal with their issues. But as they come together, they are of one heart, being grateful and giving thanks. The energy of gratitude is high this time of year. But what about the rest of the year? We get caught up in our activities and tend to forget the core appreciation we do have.

Science now shows us the power of the heart when it’s in gratitude, which goes forth from our hearts to draw to us more of what we appreciate. So let’s see what we might develop in this time when millions share this energy.

Everything Jesus did was a teaching point. He never made us feel he was more than us. That came from others later. But even when he raised up Lazarus he first gave thanks. He never did ask God for anything! He always claimed it or gave thanks for it. And science shows us that what we appreciate appreciates.

But there are things in our lives that don’t appear to be good. What if we use our elder brother’s method? What if, when our challenges arise, we have gratefulness for them? I haven’t asked for anything in ten years! But I have clothes and food and I came here to be assistant minister. Challenges happen for us (not to us). If we find the blessing in the challenge, the solution is there. What if we can hit a home run with the challenge? What if we prove God in the laboratory of our lives?

When you make your list, list everything, including the not-so-good stuff. All you need to do is be willing to be willing. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. Let’s see what God can do! Let’s check it out! Put God to the test: “Show me. I want to see.” Affirm, I Am Grateful for Everything! I Am Grateful for Everything! I Am Grateful for Everything! Yes, that’s what I’m talking about! Check it out!

November 9, 2014 – Teddy Bear Feeling – A Positive Path

11/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
Teddy Bear Feeling – A Positive Path

The Divine Presence is absolute good. In Unity, we’re obsessive about this “positive”. We never get to the heaven/hell/sin stuff. There’s pure love, and it is not found in the intellect. One good way to find it is hugging a teddy bear! It opens our feelings to experience the pure love which God is and let it touch us. Hugging a teddy bear is a God experience, because it always feels good. If love is there God is there; if God is there love is there. As we open to this, we connect deeper and deeper with who we really are.

Medics were called into a village in Viet Nam after an attack. A little girl badly needed blood. With difficulty they explained they needed blood donors. A little boy raised his hand to volunteer. He was a match, and as they began drawing blood he began to cry. He sobbed deeply. A translator told the medics that the little boy thought he was giving all his blood, that he would die. They asked why then did he volunteer, and he replied that she was his friend.

That’s who we really are. We do love. That’s why we’re here. The more we connect the easier it is to see. We get distracted and caught up with things but that’s not who we are. Pain, loss, ill health, or lack means that of the greater potential there, only a part of what is greater has been manifest. This love, this presence constantly guides us back to who we really are.

It is pure love without opposite. That’s the reality. It’s a beautiful thing to realize. In the Upanishads, Hinduism says, “The Lord is one without a second.” In the beautiful Jewish teachings, “The Lord is one.” The Koran says, “There is only one God.” Not two, just one. Jesus said, “If … thine eye [lamp] be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” There is just one. It is pure. It is real. It is God, life; it is everywhere. A great way to touch it is the teddy bear.

In 19th century London a young street urchin survived by putting on labels in a workhouse. In his ten years he had gotten 4 years of reading and writing. He secretly wrote stories, and after many attempts, he finally got a publisher, but wasn’t paid anything. But he learned how to get published! It was Charles Dickens. His written stories and his own story show us the amazing potential in all of us. God is there—the potential, the intelligence, the love. If God is there, love is there. Right at this moment an amazing potential is here. Love is here. Love is here. Love is here. In every situation in everyone of us. When you know that, it is hard to be anything less than positive. And what I know is that because you are here, love is here!

November 9, 2014 – Teddy Bear Feeling – A Positive Path

11/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
Teddy Bear Feeling – A Positive Path

The Divine Presence is absolute good. In Unity, we’re obsessive about this “positive”. We never get to the heaven/hell/sin stuff. There’s pure love, and it is not found in the intellect. One good way to find it is hugging a teddy bear! It opens our feelings to experience the pure love which God is and let it touch us. Hugging a teddy bear is a God experience, because it always feels good. If love is there God is there; if God is there love is there. As we open to this, we connect deeper and deeper with who we really are.

Medics were called into a village in Viet Nam after an attack. A little girl badly needed blood. With difficulty they explained they needed blood donors. A little boy raised his hand to volunteer. He was a match, and as they began drawing blood he began to cry. He sobbed deeply. A translator told the medics that the little boy thought he was giving all his blood, that he would die. They asked why then did he volunteer, and he replied that she was his friend.

That’s who we really are. We do love. That’s why we’re here. The more we connect the easier it is to see. We get distracted and caught up with things but that’s not who we are. Pain, loss, ill health, or lack means that of the greater potential there, only a part of what is greater has been manifest. This love, this presence constantly guides us back to who we really are.

It is pure love without opposite. That’s the reality. It’s a beautiful thing to realize. In the Upanishads, Hinduism says, “The Lord is one without a second.” In the beautiful Jewish teachings, “The Lord is one.” The Koran says, “There is only one God.” Not two, just one. Jesus said, “If … thine eye [lamp] be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” There is just one. It is pure. It is real. It is God, life; it is everywhere. A great way to touch it is the teddy bear.

In 19th century London a young street urchin survived by putting on labels in a workhouse. In his ten years he had gotten 4 years of reading and writing. He secretly wrote stories, and after many attempts, he finally got a publisher, but wasn’t paid anything. But he learned how to get published! It was Charles Dickens. His written stories and his own story show us the amazing potential in all of us. God is there—the potential, the intelligence, the love. If God is there, love is there. Right at this moment an amazing potential is here. Love is here. Love is here. Love is here. In every situation in everyone of us. When you know that, it is hard to be anything less than positive. And what I know is that because you are here, love is here!


November 2, 2014 – Beauty and the Beast – Loving Ourselves

11/2/14 Rev. David McArthur
Beauty and the Beast – Loving Ourselves

When we look at this experience of love we call God, how hard it is to let it be directed at ourselves!
Once very successful, but now in poverty, a merchant was riding home one night but got lost in a terrible storm. He rode toward a distant light, which grew brighter. The air got warmer and the forest, green. There was a large manor with beautiful gardens. The front door was standing open. No one ever appeared, but his every need was met. In the morning he left to return home, but first he picked a rose for his daughter, Beauty. Then the Beast did appear, “I have warmed, fed and housed you and have asked nothing in return, yet you steal from me. Your life is forfeit!” The merchant pleaded for his life, explaining he took the rose for his daughter, Beauty. The Beast relents, but only if Beauty comes to live with him. When she arrives, the Beast asks Beauty if she is there of her free will, and she answers that she is (to save her father). 
We are all these people, including the Beast. The criminal, angry, animal things we do to others! The difficulty is we still carry the Beast inside and must deal with it in order to expand into the spiritual awakening. We can feel lost in the storm and seek the light. There it is warm and comfortable with all that we need. It is another state of consciousness. But there too is forfeiting of life. To go back to what is not real is the death. We try to deny and control our beast, but love transforms. We must bring beauty (the developing feminine self, our feeling nature) into our experience with the Divine to fully experience it.
Beauty declined the Beast’s many offers of marriage. She remained true to her integrity, as she saw the Beast as an angry, violent being. In time, she began to see and appreciate his caring way. She began to see his heart. However, she wanted to marry the handsome Prince (the mind) in her dreams, so how could she marry the Beast? She goes home for a while (a spiritual vacation), where she wakes up to her appreciation and love for the Beast. So she returns only to find he is dying. She holds him in her arms, and her tears bring life back to him.
The Beast again asks her to wed, and this time she says “Yes!” because now she knows she loves him. His beastly facade fades away. He is the handsome Prince she had dreamed of. It is by love that we create true harmony. It’s about loving ourselves—not about anything else but letting ourselves have the feeling of loving. Give yourself the hug that lets the Divine fill you and bring you into fulfillment. Beauty’s dreams told her that beauty is within all the time because God is good all the time! God is good all the time! All the time God is good!
Let this lead you to the consciousness of Happily Ever After!

November 2, 2014 – Beauty and the Beast – Loving Ourselves

11/2/14 Rev. David McArthur
Beauty and the Beast – Loving Ourselves

When we look at this experience of love we call God, how hard it is to let it be directed at ourselves!

Once very successful, but now in poverty, a merchant was riding home one night but got lost in a terrible storm. He rode toward a distant light, which grew brighter. The air got warmer and the forest, green. There was a large manor with beautiful gardens. The front door was standing open. No one ever appeared, but his every need was met. In the morning he left to return home, but first he picked a rose for his daughter, Beauty. Then the Beast did appear, “I have warmed, fed and housed you and have asked nothing in return, yet you steal from me. Your life is forfeit!” The merchant pleaded for his life, explaining he took the rose for his daughter, Beauty. The Beast relents, but only if Beauty comes to live with him. When she arrives, the Beast asks Beauty if she is there of her free will, and she answers that she is (to save her father).

We are all these people, including the Beast. The criminal, angry, animal things we do to others! The difficulty is we still carry the Beast inside and must deal with it in order to expand into the spiritual awakening. We can feel lost in the storm and seek the light. There it is warm and comfortable with all that we need. It is another state of consciousness. But there too is forfeiting of life. To go back to what is not real is the death. We try to deny and control our beast, but love transforms. We must bring beauty (the developing feminine self, our feeling nature) into our experience with the Divine to fully experience it.

Beauty declined the Beast’s many offers of marriage. She remained true to her integrity, as she saw the Beast as an angry, violent being. In time, she began to see and appreciate his caring way. She began to see his heart. However, she wanted to marry the handsome Prince (the mind) in her dreams, so how could she marry the Beast? She goes home for a while (a spiritual vacation), where she wakes up to her appreciation and love for the Beast. So she returns only to find he is dying. She holds him in her arms, and her tears bring life back to him.

The Beast again asks her to wed, and this time she says “Yes!” because now she knows she loves him. His beastly facade fades away. He is the handsome Prince she had dreamed of. It is by love that we create true harmony. It’s about loving ourselves—not about anything else but letting ourselves have the feeling of loving. Give yourself the hug that lets the Divine fill you and bring you into fulfillment. Beauty’s dreams told her that beauty is within all the time because God is good all the time! God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

Let this lead you to the consciousness of Happily Ever After!


October 26, 2014 – Transitions

10/26/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.

Look at what’s going on—ebola and terrorism in our own country, even changes in our own congregation. The best book I’ve read on change is Robert Brumet’s Finding Yourself in Transition. He says that change is similar to rights of passage. It is inevitable and extremely painful. But the suffering is optional. When we have a drastic, unexpected change in our lives it is a kind of death. Something we had depended on, loved, and felt we needed is ripped away. Our impulse is to grieve it. But we can embrace it.

Like the Israelite’s journey out of Egypt and through the wilderness to the Promised Land, there are stages to our transitions as identified by Brumet. First is Endings. You’ve lost your feeling of safety, or your health. You retire or become an “empty nester”. There is disengagement, followed by disidentification—you are no longer a husband or wife, or part of a unit, or one of the healthy. You move into disenchantment, where you have lost your faith in love, or in your employability, and so on, even your faith in God. You feel lost, hopeless, discouraged. You don’t know who you are anymore. You are disoriented. But when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hold on!

The second stage of transition is the Void. As the Israelites did, you are wondering in the wilderness. It doesn’t feel very good. Your only connection is to the God of your understanding. But know you are being guided. It is painful but it also has purpose. It is said that this is the point at which suicides occur. Don’t give up. The light is just around the corner. You are like a seed in the soil that has lost it’s covering, but now you can send down roots and grow into a strong new plant ready to bloom and bear fruit. You are being reborn into a more perfect self. You can appreciate the beautiful transition moving through you. You have the tools and ability to move forward into the unknown without giving up. In my Void, I was literally on the carpet with the pain, but then I saw clearly what it was for. I saw a new vision, a new way of being, the third stage of transition. It brought me to Unity.

Each time we set out on a journey that is pulling us away from what we feel we can’t live without, there is this divine spark within that will lead us through. It empowers us. Understand the power of transition. This is an inside job. You will know yourself more deeply than before. Keep making the effort to let go, to open to what Spirit has for you. Trust. Each transition lifts you to a higher level.

There is so much change in our lives right now. Expect the good, the Promised Land. What shows up isn’t what you prayed for, but what you expect. Trust. Expect. “…and goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.”

October 19, 2014 – Wherever I Am, God Is

10/19/14 Rev. David McArthur
Where God Is, I Am

Years ago I was in a city on the West Bank. It was in a very very old part with stone walls and a bazaar. I heard shots and bullets hitting above me, and stone chips fell on me. Looking back at this I realize now that I had no fear in those moments, but a sense of connectedness and clarity. I knew what to do and how to do it. I got out safely. I see now that I didn’t even have to try to get to my heart and ask how. I had a divine connection that was real and there was no room for fear. I didn’t have to know how. It took care of me. When I needed it, it was there. It had been growing in my everyday activities for years. But how do you do that?

Prayer and meditation work, but I use another type of meditation more. Jesus said the greatest law is, “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” I was a teenager when I first thought about this: “Love the Lord thy God…” I didn’t even like Him—an arbitrary God who loved one club but not the other club that didn’t have “it”; a God really into punishment, who had a sense of emotional maturity that has now even been surpassed by my three year old granddaughter! Loving that God was too hard for me.

Jesus went on to say “…with all thy heart…” But loving can be hard even in a NORMAL family where there are many challenges to learning love. However, there is an easier way. Just enter into the feeling of love. Just remember loving. It’s a wonderful feeling. I often recall the magnificent mountains I’ve seen—the rivers, the animals. Or those glorious sunsets over a still ocean, or even the beauty of just a single flower, and the wondrous Creator of all of it. Or the beauty you see in friends, children, spouses. My heart can include that.

But Jesus also said “…and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…” That’s a part of us that has no limit, far beyond this human body thing. Wow! Love with that! Bring the feeling up from the heart to the mind which then becomes clear, and the experience expands.

Then He said “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” Jesus’ focus was on those in need of compassion, as in the Good Samaritan. But feel you are connected with humanity as yourself; bring that love in and appreciate who you are. Let that in. Loving our neighbors and loving ourselves is a state of being. It is who we are, our true nature. And you know what? There is no fear in that. Breathe that feeling. It’s a simple place. My experience is the more I touch there, the more it touches me. So daily I use a line from the Prayer of Protection: “Where ever I am, God is.” “Where ever I am, God is.” “Where ever I am, God is.”

It creates that state of consciousness in us. Rumi said it this way: “The Lord is in me, and the Lord is in you… look for Him within you. When I sit in the heart of His world A million suns blaze with light, A burning blue sea spreads across the sky, Life’s turmoil falls quiet, All the stains of suffering wash away… This is the music of soul and soul meeting… This is the music that transcends all coming and going.”

And it’s there! Where I am, God is. Feel that Presence! Where you are, God is—because you are! Bless you!