September 25, 2016 – What Matters Most

09/25/16 Rev. David McArthur
“What Matters Most”

Look at the ways we’ve touched the fabulous spiritual teachings in our world: the Bhagavad Gita, and Tao te Ching and the Hebrew scriptures and the Gospels—the beautiful presence of Jesus’ teachings. I want to complete by going to one of my favorite teachers, Winnie the Pooh.

Oh that Hundred Acre Woods! That beautiful place which shows us in such simple terms our own spiritual journeys. In the forest we see parts of us. Rabbit has to keep busy all the time, and there’s a part of you that is Eeyore. There’s Piglet—you know, eager, but then afraid of everything bigger than he is and everything is bigger. And then there’s Pooh, the picture of the soul unfolding, discovering and open to what life has. We’ve been going along, discovering.

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet discover their own tracks in the snow and believe they’re from woozles and wizzles. And there’s Christopher Robin, the Christ Bearer, that delightful symbol that in tradition we call the Christ, but also the Atman, the I Am, the Buddha Mind. We discovered the universal laws, that the woozles we are following and kind of afraid of are really ourselves! It is us that’s been creating our experience and our fear; it’s us who have been journeying. Wow! What beautiful understandings.

Then we had a heffalump experience here. You know how Pooh sets a trap for a heffalump. We set a heffalump trap—we decided to build a building. And what we heard were things that were kind of frightening and go bump in the night. The whole world had decided to be afraid of lack, and some of us did a very good job of making that deeper. And then we ran into this insane statement by this guy named Charles Fillmore, “Pour your living words of faith into the omnipresent substance and you will be prospered though all the banks in the world close their doors.” And they just had! And we decided, “well, wonder if he’s telling the truth.” So we took on our heffalump, and we discovered it was just our fear. And the building got built. And there was more than enough, because more than enough is the truth of that divine love for each of us.

I looked at these beautiful teachings and I thought, “Wow! What in these last few minutes do I get to share with you? What is most important?” The times we ventured into prayer and meditation? Prayer is so important, but it’s not most important. And meditation is tremendously valuable, but it’s not most important. And the great teachings that focus on God in magnificent ways are not most important. What is most important is so simple: in this moment, do I choose love? That’s it. That is what’s important. If you choose love and you don’t know anything about the great scriptures, it doesn’t matter. They were just there to say, “Choose love.” If you gave up prayer because you spend more time arguing with God than listening, but you choose love, then it didn’t matter. God is right there, because the truth is, God IS love. Choose God and suddenly this amazing thing happens. Instead of seeing this world through this brilliant mind that we developed, this fabulous brain that figured it all out, we see that it was lying to us. It was saying, “That’s separate, and that has control over you.” It’s still a wonderful tool. It’s just a lousy boss. So we learned, didn’t we? We learned how to go. We learned how to make the choice.

It was the reality that touched me when I was young and in that place of pain and not knowing, and suddenly I was overwhelmed by love, and then there was peace and forgiveness and understanding. What happens is we are suddenly experiencing life from the truth, from a greater reality. So I tried to figure, “How do I get back to that place?” When I first started in ministry, I knew choosing love was the answer. I just didn’t have a clue how to do it. I looked around at all the spiritual students I knew and realized they didn’t either. They could love real well all those folks that loved them, but it was not their response when someone got in their face.

So we have spent years learning how to choose love. You know how. You know where it is. You know how to make that connection and move this power, this energy out of the magnificent instrument in your head down into that place where we connect with that spiritual being we really are. You know how to turn on the love. It’s in feeling—not in thoughts. It’s in the feeling, when you can remember that moment when you felt love. Might have been that puppy dog when you came in the door, shaking so hard, wanting to lick your face. Or a granddaughter giving you a hug. Or looking out and seeing that sunset over the water and feeling that magnificence of this divine love that surrounds you. It doesn’t matter what it was. When you feel it, you hit the access code. You’re in that place of love. At that moment it’s different, isn’t it? All those things we were struggling with, we aren’t struggling anymore. The things that were overwhelming that we didn’t understand, we understand. The anxiety we carried looks a lot more like peace. So simple. God is love. We just chose God.

Last Sunday we had Patricia Grabow here for a workshop. She had had an interesting experience. She was driving her car and got hit head on by a truck and died. And she came back to life. And she remembered what she had experienced. The only way she could describe it was “Love to the millionth power.” It is what is true. It is who you are. It is the only true reality of being. I find I go back to the amazing experience of Anita Moorjani. She had died after four years of cancer, her body completely depleted. After a time her body awoke. She left her hospital just a few weeks later cancer free. But she remembered what had happened in between. “I understood that at the core our essence is made of pure love. We ARE pure love, every single one of us. How can we not be if we come from the whole and return to it? I know that realizing this meant never being afraid of who we are. Therefore, being love and being our true self is one and the same thing.” That’s all we’re doing, just learning how to be who we really are.

When the critters found that Christopher Robin was leaving, Eeyore comprised a poem. As Christopher Robin was reading the poem all the critters seemed to fade away. As you’ve been doing this love thing, have you noticed how some of those “creatures” kind of fade away? There’s a little less Piglet/insecurity. There’s a little less Eeyore/grumpiness. So Winnie the Pooh, this beautiful unfolding soul, and Christopher Robin, this greater divine presence, go off. “By and by they go to this enchanted place on the very top of the forest. Sitting there they could see the whole world spread out until it reached the sky. And whatever there was all the world over was with them in Galleon’s Lap. (That enchanted place where they could see and understand it all.)”

There’s a teacher I love that talks about the same thing. She said, “…the secret place of the most high where each one of us may dwell and be safe from harm and fear of evil is the point of mystical union between man and Spirit, or God in us. Where we no longer believe but know that God in Christ abides always at the center of our being as our perfect health, deliverance, prosperity, power, ready to come forth into manifestation at any moment we claim it. We know it. We know it. We feel our oneness with the Father and we manifest that oneness.” —the wonderful Dr. Cady.

The access code to Spirit, to the “secret place of the most high”, is just love. The access code to Galleon’s Lap, just love. It’s very simple, that’s the only thing that matters. As we awaken we begin to step into who we are, that amazing experience of love. A wonderful man called me this week, a Unity minister who had had a brain aneurysm. His name is Gregory Guice. He was just calling to say, “Congratulations on your retirement.” I’d followed his recovery. He had spent three months in a coma. He said one of the beautiful things that happened during that time was that he got to connect with his daughter. She had died a number of years before. They got to be there in that heart to heart connection with each other. He told me it meant so much. He said he knew such peace! He knew that love. It’s who you are. That choice to choose love is the only real choice and all of you make that choice again and again. I know that because I’ve had the opportunity to see, to hear, to be aware of that, and how it touched those around us. What a difference it’s made in those who love you and struggle with you.

What a magnificent thing it is to see the light and the love that all of you are. I choose love. Again. I choose love. I choose love. This is when you might not have to be quite as attached to being right. I choose love. And this is for when you’re really really pissed off: I choose love. It’s for when you remember that you didn’t choose love and you start to do the guilt thing: I choose love.

You have made this world more filled with light, more filled with wholeness. The choice of your love has touched the fabric of humankind and it will never be the same. The power and the beauty of who you are is magnificent! There’s something that I like to remember. “Where ever they go, Pooh and Christopher Robin, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place on the top of the forest, a little boy and his bear will always be playing.” In that little place, secret place of the most high, your soul and the very light and power of God will always be playing. And did you notice it ends by having fun?!! I love you all!


September 18, 2016 – The Art of Letting Go

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Art of Letting Go”

A mountain climber was playing Pokemon Go when he fell off a cliff. He grabbed at a branch sticking out from the mountainside. It stopped his fall. He looked down. He looked up. He cried out, “God, please save me. I’ll do anything!” The clouds parted and he heard a deep voice. “Do you trust me?” “Yes! I’ll do anything!” God repeated, “Do you really trust me?” “Yes! Yes!” “If you trust me, then let go.” The man looks down, and then looks up. “Is there anyone else up there?”

We do that. Sometimes our guidance can be a stretch. We don’t trust it. If the mountain climber had let go there was a ledge just a few inches below his feet, but he couldn’t see it.

There is so much going on in the world now we get confused. Charles Fillmore, in “Dynamics For Living”, said that it is essential we learn to let go to learn something new; that there is a balance between receiving and giving. It’s important we learn to let go.

The scripture I quoted on your handout is from Isaiah 43, “Remember not the former things…” which are the things that no longer serve that we’ve carried from childhood and young adulthood. They have shaped our lives, but a hand closed on the old isn’t open to the new. In Isaiah, God says, “I am doing a new thing…I will make a way in the wilderness (our uncultivated errant thoughts) and rivers (the flow of our vitality) in the desert (those dead things we carry that no longer serve but take up energy in our spirit and body of affairs).” Take for example, an old relationship or job that is no longer fulfilling, yet we stay and are miserable.

My favorite instructor in ministerial school was Dr. Robert Brumet, “Finding Yourself In Transition.” He wrote that each transition in life begins with an ending. But before the new beginning we must first let go. That brings the next stage, the void. We wander until we get to the new beginning. Many transitions are happening in our world and we are called to let go of old judgments, old habits, patterns and prejudices. Many of you are experiencing transitions in your lives right now. Right here, our Rev. David is leaving. We want to hang on, but God is doing a new thing. We must let Rev. David move forward on his new path. If we don’t let go we will be left in “the desert”.

Rev. Denise is coming but can only take us to the door. The ministerial search team is finding our new minister; our new minister will go through the door with us. So we have to let go. We have to prepare for this new thing God is placing in our path.

How do we release? How do we let go? I suggest several steps in the handout.

In step 1, if you have only a little willingness, give it to the Holy Spirit, who will take the necessary steps for you, (ACIM). In step 2 remember to do your work; you don’t want to get more of the same thing you had before. Step 3, there is really nothing to forgive because, as spiritual beings we learn on our spiritual path, and therefore nothing wrong really ever happened. Everyone can find good in those things we need to forgive. Step 4 is the void. It’s ok. Step 5, is ok. Get your cry on, your mad on; beat a pillow. In step 7. Celebrate!

We must Let go; let God. Let go; let God. Let go; let God.

I see for all of us an amazing future! I believe that you and I have the power to create infinite possibilities out of the challenges we are facing. I trust you and I trust God!


September 11, 2016 – A Jedi’s Guide to Growth in Consciousness

09/11/16 Rev. David McArthur
“A Jedi’s Guide to Growth in Consciousness”

Our story tellers so often give us information about our spiritual growth, like what it takes to grow into a higher consciousness, to change from the 3rd dimension to the 4th, to move from power to love. As we grow into a greater consciousness it is time to understand the way of the Force.

In a galaxy far, far away, the desire to control others is shown when the storm troopers show up. The need to control comes from our fear. It’s like our thoughts are sent out to tell everyone we are right! You know you are “in” power when you want to control those around you. But when we move into greater consciousness we perceive ourselves as wanting to empower those around us.

In the latest Star Wars episode, when a storm trooper is shot another trooper responds with compassion and removes his own helmet, and we have a personal experience with him as he sees he has to free himself from the thought of control. The thought is the male aspect. In another place a young lady, a scavenger (which is the lowest of their society) responds with compassion to a droid. This is the feminine aspect, the feeling of stepping into a greater consciousness.

Emilie Cady was deeply rooted in her spiritual knowledge. But she had a situation she was unable to transform. Her father, although innocent, was isolated, condemned, and, it’s my guess, incarcerated for years. In all her work she wasn’t able to free him of this. She wrote,
“One day while sitting alone in my room, my hands busy with other things, my heart cried out, “O God, stretch forth Thy hand and deliver!” Instantly the answer came “I have no hands but human hands. Your hand is my hand; stretch it forth spiritually and give whatsoever you will to whomsoever you will, and I will establish it.” Unquestioningly I obeyed… Within a few days my dear father came home a free man, justified, exonerated…”

We have to grow up. The spiritual power is expressed through us, our thoughts and feelings. It’s different from control. It’s what love does.

Emilie Cady had a weak ankle. Her understanding was that any place where her body was not whole was a place of unknown spirituality. So she stepped up to the perception, “There is only God. All else is a lie,” withdrawing any power she had given to a lesser perception (“evil” or the 2nd force), “because God is all that there is.” She was healed.

There is only God; there is only love. Again, There is only God; there is only love. Again, There is only God; there is only love. …for any situation in your life…to live in a place where there is only love, infinite love everywhere present…infinite power everywhere present…for every need, in every situation. When that feeling exists there is silence. We were in the Silence a short time ago. From the Silence thoughts and feelings flow out in infinite love. It’s an amazing journey and we’re all on it. May the Force be with you!


September 4, 2016 – Outrageous Gratitude

09/04/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Outrageous Gratitude”

On awakening this morning, did you tell yourself, “I’m glad you woke up this morning!”? We take it for granted. At night you go somewhere else, experiencing and learning. Each morning you come back to the 3rd dimension. You are one with the infinite power of the universe that creates and sustains this universe and who knows what else.

Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come. He told them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed…the kingdom of God is within you.” It is a state of awareness of the presence of the divine within. Our beautiful capacity to be able to know this expands as we are more aware. Science has proven that this changes the body. We are then able to perceive a new consciousness through appreciation. It’s measurable, verifiable. Our capacity to see beauty expands. It’s a greater experience of seeing the presence of the divine. It lifts us. It literally raises the flow of spiritual energy in us. We become more sensitive, attuned to the guidance and wisdom with in us. So say I am grateful!

Most of us have been grateful after the beauty has been revealed. But there’s another place to have gratitude—before we see the goodness. That’s not just gratitude, it’s outrageous gratitude! I got to see this. Today we have with us Anastacia Jayet, who wrote the book “Shattered into Being”. She and I have a connection. We both were students at the University of New Mexico. We each had a happy family with a new baby. And we both lost our spouse suddenly and violently. Her life became a state of helplessness. Slowly she began to return. She says in her book, “I am being shown the way, a place of light, through gratitude.” Outrageous. So when your story is too heavy, I am grateful, and awaken to a greater awareness.

Richard Weinman was a man whose wife had Alzheimer’s. When she passed he was assessing the changes in his life, when a cement truck hit him head-on. He awoke three months later in a hospital bed. His body was held together with screws. He’d be bound to a wheel chair. And when he was placed in a care facility, every moment every day was regimented. He began to use a powerful thing. “I could weep over what I couldn’t do, or I could be grateful for what I could do. I was a writer and a professor. I could write again.” He wrote with a stick on a computer keyboard. He wrote a blog about his life. It became a book which is now given to caregivers in many states. He was invited to the White House to be on the council on aging. He didn’t decide to do that when he was in his hospital room where he couldn’t type, where he was in pain, controlled by others. There he only chose to be grateful. Outrageous.

You are a spiritual being and you made the choice to wake up this morning and come here, to show up because you have purpose. If you are in an experience, you have purpose and you have amazing power to choose to feel grateful. Bring that magnificent wisdom of your spiritual self to create the Kingdom, the state of consciousness where you are aware of that goodness, that love, and that purpose, by making a choice. I am grateful! I am grateful! I am grateful! –grateful for that amazing love there every moment, responding.

And for the amazing state of consciousness of your love and gratitude, I am grateful!


August 21, 2016 – Outrageous Forgiveness

08/21/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Outrageous Forgiveness”

Last week we spoke of outrageous generosity. The next step of our journey is when we see so much violence in our time, we recognize the invitation to step into an even greater consciousness. The higher level then, becomes outrageous forgiveness.

Spirit allows us to to see the turmoil and pain. It is no longer hidden in Shadow. We see it; it affects us and impels us to deal with it. We work on forgiveness all the time. What I’m talking about is outrageous forgiveness. I think of that moment when Nelson Mandela walked out of prison. He said of it that if he hadn’t left that pain and injustice behind, he would never be free, which is what he wanted for all. And apartheid fell. Outrageous forgiveness.

It’s when we want this in our lives and family and world that we can do it. But if you haven’t noticed, not everyone does.

In our families we have ones who act out their pain, and in their addictive behavior blame us. When we are hurt it is our assignment to heal the hurt within, and it is our assignment to say there is no place here in our family for this pain anymore. Outrageous forgiveness. Step into wholeness. We have to live these truths to bring this higher consciousness.

There is an abuse within many religions that has hurt too many. How many thousands of women have been told to forgive and go back into their abusive environment!!? Love says no, it has to end. Love also is true compassion. If we ask them to step up higher, the pain is no more. There is our freedom.

Some people in our own community were acting out their pain and projecting it on others until it became extreme. By the third time we had to say, “You can’t be here.” Our experience here with this took away our emotional safety, which is necessary for a community like ours. So some had to step away. But holding the forgiveness and the higher level, some returned to this place of affirmation and wholeness beyond the pain. This is the place of love, forgiveness, wholeness, of a commitment that this is a place of outrageous forgiveness. And then we know the beauty in others.

Join as we create a consciousness of forgiveness and love which holds the highest for those of family and community. I commit to outrageous forgiveness. This is not ordinary forgiveness; it is higher, more. I commit to outrageous forgiveness. When you see the violence on TV. I commit to outrageous forgiveness. When we look at the person in the family who has not found their wholeness. I commit to outrageous forgiveness. OK, that’s the easy part. How about self. Lift yourself up. I commit to outrageous forgiveness. Spirit made us outrageous anyway, how could you not?


August 14, 2016 – Outrageous Generosity

08/14/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Outrageous Generosity”

When we go into the deeper love, that which is not like that deeper love shows up to be healed. There is a secret: in dealing with this lower vibration which shows up to be healed, go to a higher vibration. Rise up to that level of consciousness which is the nature of the divine. Among those higher frequencies, higher vibrations, there is one which has meant more to me. It is generosity. It is the very nature of the divine, the expression of the divine.

Remember when we talked about tithing and the experiment of a Quaker church in the thirties. Testing biblical law, they took a quarter inch of wheat and sewed it, then tithed on what was harvested from that one crop. Every year they planted 9/10ths of the harvest that had originated from that quarter inch measure, tithing the rest. By the 6th year they reaped 57,000 bushels, 13 times what would have normally been reaped! When we bring in that higher vibration, that love, that infinite power of abundance, it flows! So say with me, I am generous! I am generous! I am generous!

When people let go they naturally step into their generosity. A 14 year old boy wanted to do something for his mother who had breast cancer. He thought of shaving his head to show his solidarity with her. He hoped to raise a hundred dollars by going about his neighborhood and let people shave a bit of his head for a donation. Knowing the neighborhood, his father didn’t think his son would raise a hundred dollars. The boy came home with $1223.00!  Do you feel the heart? That natural abundance? It is our nature to be generous. It isn’t a struggle; it is a flow.

Are you ready for the next level? OUTRAGEOUS generosity? A nurse saw a starving little girl take a single piece of bread (all she had to eat for the whole day) and break it and give her brother the larger piece. Can you feel that generous heart? The world is filled with it. A teacher got laid off. One of her former students sent a $1000 check for her rent! Outrageous generosity! Isn’t that what we’re about? We’re the recipients of that infinite flow. The universe brings this to us.

Lately, here, we’ve had more outflow than income, so myself and my wife and Rev. Sheila and many board members have decided to tithe 20%. We understand this is an invitation. I’ve got six weeks left in this position. In that six weeks will you join me in the financial health of this church? Know there is more than enough!

Dan, a 25 year old, liked to bike to work in Wales. He was hit by a car and paralyzed from the chest down. He heard of a new stem cell treatment in China. His friends raised $30,000 for it. Then Dan heard of a five year old boy also in Wales who had cerebral palsy from birth and had never walked. This little lad could get a healing treatment in St. Louis for $100,000, but his family could only raise half of that. Dan gave him his $30,000. Outrageous generosity!

Let’s change that. I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! Feel it within. Generosity. Outrageous generosity. What a state of consciousness to live in! All of us are instruments through which this world is transformed. And it’s fun! We are here to step into this flow.

I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! I am generous, outrageously generous! You are because God is! Bless you!


August 7, 2016 – Treasures from the Shadow

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“Treasures From The Shadow”

From Debbie Ford, one of my teachers:
“The shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress… Most of us expend huge amounts of energy …to hide our bad qualities from those around us – even from ourselves.
The result of turning our backs on our dark side? A life that slips by only half lived. Dreams … never realized…lay buried… Until we make peace with our shadow we will continue to be at war with ourselves…What we resist persists …Until we take back our power and forgive ourselves for being human we will attract people who push our buttons… All we have to do is look at how the outer world treats us. If we’re not getting the respect, love and appreciation we desire from the outer world, it’s more than likely we aren’t giving these things to ourselves… The whole world is a mirror of our own consciousness, and when we make peace with the disowned aspects of ourselves, we make peace with the world.”

We are on the threshold of a quantum shift in consciousness. What comes up to be revealed comes up to be healed. 90% of our shadow is formed between the ages of 7 to 10 from what we heard or thought we heard. “Don’t be so selfish.” “That other kid is always so kind. He shares his toys.” We hear the difference and want to be unselfish and so we give our selfs away. There is resentment underneath. We are whole; there are times to give to others and times to give to self. The law of the universe is giving and receiving. This means loving our shadows. It gives us balance. It is not selfish but self-full. There is good buried within.

A young fellow told me he was 8 when he was introduced to violence. His life became violence and drugs until he got his teenage girlfriend pregnant. Then he knew he had to bring peace into his life. He found balance becoming a pro in martial arts. Another person this morning said she wakes up with her shadow every morning and pretty much goes through the day in it. It is a method of protection, but becomes so uncomfortable we project it on others. So remember, when you’re pointing you finger at someone, the other 3 fingers are pointing back at you. We have to own it, recognize it’s part of us. As we take ownership of what is expressed it disappears. In the 23rd psalm the Death in the Valley is that stuff. It does not want to be denied. It seeks recognition. But we can heal.

The steps for healing are IAAAFLC (not the Aflac duck; refer to the handout attached). I is for inventory of the stuff we’ve buried. A is assessment, where it came from; how it started. The next A is acceptance; then A for appreciate it, bring self care in. F for forgive. Forgive it, forgive yourself, your parents, siblings. They did the best that they could at the time. L: love. I can’t expect you to love me if I don’t. C is compassion for your shadow, your self, for the expression of it in today’s world. They’re doing the best they can with what they have. If they knew better they’d do better.

We are close to 1% of the world population being at the higher level (the critical mass). We are created in the image and likeness of that which created the world! We can do it!

I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence! I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence! I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence!
