One marvelous thing we get to experience as we grow spiritually is the awareness of the presence of God. When I’m aware of a special person whom I cherish, it’s a beautiful thing. As I hold them in my heart, I see them as they really are. That unique light that expresses in them is divine. Unique. Beautiful. It is the presence of God. It is Light, Love. I say, I gently cherish the presence of God in You. I gently cherish the presence of God in You. I gently cherish the presence of God in You.
Jesus taught God is Spirit, but It is more than that. It pulled at you when you decided to come here this morning. The presence of Spirit is here—everyone feels it. It is created by us all. It’s the focus on divine love our Heart Ministers feel when holding someone in prayer—that’s Spirit. When we walk in here, it’s the commitment to know who we really are. And when you are in pain and can’t see that, it’s in those that hold that for you. It is in the giving and love of those that care for this place for us. It’s in the people who have joined you for this experience. How easy it is to feel! Say, “I gently cherish the presence of God in you.”
That’s the easy part. Next is the “me” part. Every time we do anything, our brilliant mind points out every error it can find. We feel it’s not alright to like “me”. But think of this divine love that has taken care of you to infinity, Who said, “Go and find where you are a blessing.” And you know that you are “a magnificent child of God”. That’s God in you, when you can see all the possibilities.
It’s not that God loves, it’s that God is love! You are the experience of divine love. And you have loved. So for a moment cherish yourself. That beautiful feeling you feel for others, feel for yourself! I gently cherish the presence of God in me. I gently cherish the presence of God in me. I gently cherish the presence of God in me.
It’s a choice thing. What if we choose, when we turn on the news and are fearful, to see those we fear as the cherished love of God? And if we are feeling the presence of God in someone it is not possible to feel fear! “I gently cherish the presence of God in you.” If you are feeling that, you are the expression of God. When we touch the presence of God it lifts us and takes us out of the fear and into the goodness, power, love, and wisdom of God. We are here for a purpose. I gently cherish the presence of love in you. I gently cherish the presence of love in me —of God in you —of wholeness, wisdom, power —of life in you! I gently cherish the spiritual beings we each are!