October 27, 2013 – God Touches

10/27/13 Rev. David McArthur
God Touches

I remember hearing something that at once I knew was true, yet I did not understand. It was from Emily Cady. “God is the name we give to that unchangeable, inexorable principle… the creative underlying cause of all things… In each individual, He becomes…a personal, loving, all-forgiving Mother-Father…[but] God is not a being having qualities, it is the very good itself…All love in the universe is God. [When you love, that’s God.] All the wisdom and intelligence…is God.” From Charles Fillmore, “I am now in the presence of pure Being and immersed in the Holy Spirit of life, love, and wisdom.” Like experiencing the night sky full of an infinite number of stars, we sense we are part of something greater that moves through us all, as a wave is but a part of the whole ocean. We don’t get to live there, but we touch it and we know it is real.

Having fled a raging forest fire which swept down upon her home, Sandra McFall asked her friend Paul to go back with her that first time. Her greatest fears were realized as she saw the total ruin of her home. She was a professional artist, and had not only lost her home, but her workplace and much of her work as well. Paul did find in the ashes a picture of Sandra’s father that had survived relatively intact. She remembered how she and her parents, as missionaries in Africa, had lost that home too to fire when soldiers swept through destroying everything. She remembered how her father had told her then that everything she needed was inside her. Back at the diner, Paul produced a book he had retrieved from the ruins. It was her mother’s Bible. It was still full of the many notes her mother had made whenever she had seen the touch of God in their recovery from that earlier loss. Sandra resolved that from then on she would count her “God touches” every day.

So everyday I count 5 “God touches”. #1 is that I open my eyes each morning. My thoughts go right to #2—coffee! How it’s so carefully grown and processed and delivered to me. What about that first smile of the day? All that love—that is God. And then stepping out into the fall breeze and sunshine! And when I turn the key and the car starts right up, that’s God—all those parts put together and delivered to me at my fingertips. Emilie Cady said, “It’s not that God has power; God IS power.”

Are you willing to do five a day? It can be the smile you see, the food you eat. The more you are aware of, the deeper is your experience. “Divine love touches me right now!” “Divine love touches me right now!”

October 27, 2013 – God Touches

10/27/13 Rev. David McArthur
God Touches

I remember hearing something that at once I knew was true, yet I did not understand. It was from Emily Cady. “God is the name we give to that unchangeable, inexorable principle… the creative underlying cause of all things… In each individual, He becomes…a personal, loving, all-forgiving Mother-Father…[but] God is not a being having qualities, it is the very good itself…All love in the universe is God. [When you love, that’s God.] All the wisdom and intelligence…is God.” From Charles Fillmore, “I am now in the presence of pure Being and immersed in the Holy Spirit of life, love, and wisdom.” Like experiencing the night sky full of an infinite number of stars, we sense we are part of something greater that moves through us all, as a wave is but a part of the whole ocean. We don’t get to live there, but we touch it and we know it is real.

Having fled a raging forest fire which swept down upon her home, Sandra McFall asked her friend Paul to go back with her that first time. Her greatest fears were realized as she saw the total ruin of her home. She was a professional artist, and had not only lost her home, but her workplace and much of her work as well. Paul did find in the ashes a picture of Sandra’s father that had survived relatively intact. She remembered how she and her parents, as missionaries in Africa, had lost that home too to fire when soldiers swept through destroying everything. She remembered how her father had told her then that everything she needed was inside her. Back at the diner, Paul produced a book he had retrieved from the ruins. It was her mother’s Bible. It was still full of the many notes her mother had made whenever she had seen the touch of God in their recovery from that earlier loss. Sandra resolved that from then on she would count her “God touches” every day.

So everyday I count 5 “God touches”. #1 is that I open my eyes each morning. My thoughts go right to #2—coffee! How it’s so carefully grown and processed and delivered to me. What about that first smile of the day? All that love—that is God. And then stepping out into the fall breeze and sunshine! And when I turn the key and the car starts right up, that’s God—all those parts put together and delivered to me at my fingertips. Emilie Cady said, “It’s not that God has power; God IS power.”

Are you willing to do five a day? It can be the smile you see, the food you eat. The more you are aware of, the deeper is your experience. “Divine love touches me right now!” “Divine love touches me right now!”


October 20, 2013 – The Evolutionary Impulse

10/20/13 Rev. Robert Brumet
Let Go of the Past, and Stand Up to Who You Really Are

Your own heart beat is the same impulse which created the universe 14 billion years ago. Until about 100,000 years ago it was simply a biological impulse, evolving the animal forms. Then consciousness was born as the cutting edge of evolution. Now we are at another time of transition, but we have over developed knowledge and under developed wisdom; over developed power and under developed love. Some would say the greatest threat to human existence is human existence.

We have not created balance. We have taken over the course of our evolution but have done so blindly. The human mind which has created our survival has become our master. We rely on our human intelligence for our (mis)understanding of reality. We have evolved from instinct to intellect. We need to move to intuition. We have become addicted to our way and it’s all we know. We are afraid to move on.

From Nikos Kazantzakis, author of Zorba the Greek: “Blowing through the heaven and earth, and in our hearts and the heart of every living thing, is a gigantic breath–a great Cry–which we call God. Plant life wished to continue its motionless sleep next to stagnant waters, but …the Cry, without pity, kept shaking its roots and shouting, “Away, let go of the earth, Walk!”…Animals appeared–worms–making themselves at home in water and mud. “We’re just fine here,” they said… But the terrible Cry hammered itself pitilessly into their loins. “Leave the mud, stand up, give birth to your betters!”… And lo! after thousands of eons, man emerged, trembling on his still unsolid legs… He has been fighting, again for thousands of eons, to draw himself, like a sword, out of his animalistic scabbard. He is also fighting–this is his new struggle–to draw himself out of his human scabbard. Man calls in despair, “Where can I go? I have reached the pinnacle, beyond is the abyss.” And the Cry answers, “I am beyond. Stand up!”

It is important to let go of the past and stand up into who we really are. We can’t make it happen but we can be willing. And so it is! God bless you!

October 20, 2013 – The Evolutionary Impulse

10/20/13 Rev. Robert Brumet
Let Go of the Past, and Stand Up to Who You Really Are

Your own heart beat is the same impulse which created the universe 14 billion years ago. Until about 100,000 years ago it was simply a biological impulse, evolving the animal forms. Then consciousness was born as the cutting edge of evolution. Now we are at another time of transition, but we have over developed knowledge and under developed wisdom; over developed power and under developed love. Some would say the greatest threat to human existence is human existence.

We have not created balance. We have taken over the course of our evolution but have done so blindly. The human mind which has created our survival has become our master. We rely on our human intelligence for our (mis)understanding of reality. We have evolved from instinct to intellect. We need to move to intuition. We have become addicted to our way and it’s all we know. We are afraid to move on.

From Nikos Kazantzakis, author of Zorba the Greek: “Blowing through the heaven and earth, and in our hearts and the heart of every living thing, is a gigantic breath–a great Cry–which we call God. Plant life wished to continue its motionless sleep next to stagnant waters, but …the Cry, without pity, kept shaking its roots and shouting, “Away, let go of the earth, Walk!”…Animals appeared–worms–making themselves at home in water and mud. “We’re just fine here,” they said… But the terrible Cry hammered itself pitilessly into their loins. “Leave the mud, stand up, give birth to your betters!”… And lo! after thousands of eons, man emerged, trembling on his still unsolid legs… He has been fighting, again for thousands of eons, to draw himself, like a sword, out of his animalistic scabbard. He is also fighting–this is his new struggle–to draw himself out of his human scabbard. Man calls in despair, “Where can I go? I have reached the pinnacle, beyond is the abyss.” And the Cry answers, “I am beyond. Stand up!”

It is important to let go of the past and stand up into who we really are. We can’t make it happen but we can be willing. And so it is! God bless you!
