August 2, 2015 – Pray and Forgive

08/02/15 Rev. David McArthur
Pray and Forgive

Forgiveness is a part of the consciousness of the world. I want it to be a part of me. There are 2 parts in forgiving. We know how to heal the emotional hurt, although it’s not always easy. The other part is when we experience the hurt, the brain needs to blame the other person so it can protect us. The brain rejects and pushes back with resentment for that person. This is how we have evolved. It becomes a block in our spiritual growth, but we do not have to do this. We have wisdom. We do not have to carry the resentment the brain creates.

Mother Teresa: “When people ask me what advice I have for a struggling married couple, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ For a young person in a violent home, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ And for a single mother left with young children, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’”

I love the place where you pray for that other person. Edwene Gaines says forgiveness is a big part of opening to God prospering in our lives, but that also there’s another level of forgiveness prayer, which is blessing the other person. Once she was surprised to find she still had feelings against a former husband who had struggled with substance abuse. So she declared of this man, “I see you blessed and doing all you’ve ever dreamed of, peaceful and joyous on your way.” The very next week she got a letter from him (after years). He said he hadn’t appreciated her before, but now wanted to thank her, as she was part of his subsequent recovery and prosperity. He was now free from addiction and doing well. He included a check for $3000 that he had owed her but which she had given up hope of ever seeing.

A prayer that means a lot to me is to pray for peace and mercy. I don’ have time for justice. Let’s get into the wholeness of our spiritual being. I’m ready for karma to be over. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I know when we harm each other it can be from the insensitivity we have in our “sleep” or from our pain. Whatever another goes through, I am for them to know God’s grace, healing, and peace. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you.

And when we do it, guess what? God’s grace, healing and peace comes to us! God bless you!

August 2, 2015 – Pray and Forgive

08/02/15  Rev. David McArthur

Pray and Forgive

Forgiveness is a part of the consciousness of the world. I want it to be a part of me. There are 2 parts in forgiving. We know how to heal the emotional hurt, although it’s not always easy. The other part is when we experience the hurt, the brain needs to blame the other person so it can protect us. The brain rejects and pushes back with resentment for that person. This is how we have evolved. It becomes a block in our spiritual growth, but we do not have to do this. We have wisdom. We do not have to carry the resentment the brain creates.

Mother Teresa: “When people ask me what advice I have for a struggling married couple, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ For a young person in a violent home, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ And for a single mother left with young children, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’”

I love the place where you pray for that other person. Edwene Gaines says forgiveness is a big part of opening to God prospering in our lives, but that also there’s another level of forgiveness prayer, which is blessing the other person. Once she was surprised to find she still had feelings against a former husband who had struggled with substance abuse. So she declared of this man, “I see you blessed and doing all you’ve ever dreamed of, peaceful and joyous on your way.” The very next week she got a letter from him (after years). He said he hadn’t appreciated her before, but now wanted to thank her, as she was part of his subsequent recovery and prosperity. He was now free from addiction and doing well. He included a check for $3000 that he had owed her but which she had given up hope of ever seeing.

A prayer that means a lot to me is to pray for peace and mercy. I don’t have time for justice. Let’s get into the wholeness of our spiritual being. I’m ready for karma to be over. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I know when we harm each other it can be from the insensitivity we have in our “sleep” or from our pain. Whatever another goes through, I am for them to know God’s grace, healing, and peace. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you.

And when we do it, guess what? God’s grace, healing and peace comes to us! God bless you!


July 12, 2015 – The Perception Trap – The Projection Game

07/12/15 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Perception Trap –– The Projection Game
If your eyes are healthy [your perception is true], your whole body [your body of affairs, your life] will be full of light [illuminated, aware of truth].” (Matthew 6, 23-24). If our perception is unhealthy, it is darkness within. So we see events in the moment erroneously, and are triggered by past pain. That’s the Perception Trap. We then project the past pain into the present and into the future. That’s the Projection Game. Until we heal that core negative belief, we react from that belief, and it gains energy over time. We update our pain with the Perception Trap and the Projection Game.

We all have core negative beliefs that cause us to react in a way that has nothing to do with the situation, but with something that happened to us when we were young. That young man in South Carolina acted from a misperception; he felt he had to act to protect himself. But what he expected would happen didn’t. Instead people came together in love and compassion. “When… we see as God sees—that all is whole and perfect… we avoid recreating the pain and suffering of the past.” Elizabeth Sand Turner (Be Ye Transformed). That’s what we are being called to do in our world right now.

Anytime we get triggered there’s something else going on. The core negative beliefs come up because they are still there, not to hurt us, just calling for healing. These things come up FOR us; they do not happen TO us. We have to consciously hunt for them and heal them.

The world is calling on us to help it heal. We’re a microcosm of the macrocosm. If a large percentage of us are carrying core negative beliefs the world is going to reflect it. Take an inventory of your core negative beliefs. Write them down. Look at where they came from. Decide to forgive where it was imprinted in the first place and then forgive yourself for carrying it all this time.

Each time we face a situation without letting it trigger us we stand in our power. Keep “tilling that soil” of your consciousness to discover what is in there that is showing up out here in our world. When you see something on the news that makes you say, “Oh my God!” say instead, “That’s a part of me, too!” “That possibility lives within me too.” I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! Lao Tzu said, “The caterpillar sees the end of the world. The rest of the world sees the butterfly.

July 12, 2015 – The Perception Trap – The Projection Game

07/12/15 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Perception Trap –– The Projection Game

If your eyes are healthy [your perception is true], your whole body [your body of affairs, your life] will be full of light [illuminated, aware of truth].” (Matthew 6, 23-24). If our perception is unhealthy, it is darkness within. So we see events in the moment erroneously, and are triggered by past pain. That’s the Perception Trap. We then project the past pain into the present and into the future. That’s the Projection Game. Until we heal that core negative belief, we react from that belief, and it gains energy over time. We update our pain with the Perception Trap and the Projection Game.

We all have core negative beliefs that cause us to react in a way that has nothing to do with the situation, but with something that happened to us when we were young. That young man in South Carolina acted from a misperception; he felt he had to act to protect himself. But what he expected would happen didn’t. Instead people came together in love and compassion. “When… we see as God sees—that all is whole and perfect… we avoid recreating the pain and suffering of the past.” Elizabeth Sand Turner (Be Ye Transformed). That’s what we are being called to do in our world right now.

Anytime we get triggered there’s something else going on. The core negative beliefs come up because they are still there, not to hurt us, just calling for healing. These things come up FOR us; they do not happen TO us. We have to consciously hunt for them and heal them.
The world is calling on us to help it heal. We’re a microcosm of the macrocosm. If a large percentage of us are carrying core negative beliefs the world is going to reflect it. Take an inventory of your core negative beliefs. Write them down. Look at where they came from. Decide to forgive where it was imprinted in the first place and then forgive yourself for carrying it all this time.

Each time we face a situation without letting it trigger us we stand in our power. Keep “tilling that soil” of your consciousness to discover what is in there that is showing up out here in our world. When you see something on the news that makes you say, “Oh my God!” say instead, “That’s a part of me, too!” “That possibility lives within me too.” I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! Lao Tzu said, “The caterpillar sees the end of the world. The rest of the world sees the butterfly.


April 19, 2015 – Take A God Break

04/19/15 Rev. David McArthur
Take A God Break

There is tremendous spiritual energy flowing into the Earth in this time. Things keep speeding up and that brings up our “stuff”—things that don’t reflect the spiritual beings that we are. It’s now time to heal our relationships and insecurities and the unenlightened parts of us. We have the tools and know what to do, but things comes faster and faster. The spiritual truth about handling this is to slow down and let this transformative energy in.

Jesus met each of his challenges by a change of his consciousness and went through baptism to receive greater spiritual energy. Then rather than party and celebrate, he went alone into the desert for forty days to be in this consciousness. The story of his inner struggle there is told as an argument he had with the devil. Each of the 3 times in the story that the devil challenged his greater consciousness, Christ shifts to the consciousness of the divine. He took a God break and took hold of his new consciousness. So take a God break when you are challenged, when someone at work or in the family brings up your “stuff”.

Ejaz Naqvi, in his book A Look Inside the Koran and the Bible, says that by far, the most repeated passages are those that are the most compassionate, the most merciful, and that it’s not just that God is compassionate, but the God is compassion. When we are in the expression of mercy we are in the divine consciousness.

Taoism says to go from duality to the divine consciousness. “The Tao doesn’t take sides, it gives birth to both good and evil. The Master doesn’t take sides, she welcomes both saints and sinners.” [and] “The Tao is like a bellows…the more you use it, the more it produces; the more you talk of it, the less you understand. Hold on to the center.” Center in your heart; connect with the infinite.

So if you are talking of it (thinking), you are not there. This is how: empty your mind for 30 seconds. Did you still have thoughts? Well, that’s the way we are. But focus on the experience of what God is, on the presence of God—the feelings of compassion, love, and kindness. To really feel it, hug yourself! Breathe quiet compassion. When your stuff comes up, hug yourself. Feel the difference between the thinking and the feeling? It is more powerful to feel compassion than to think it. To be powerful and effective is to feel the power and presence of God. Take a God break. Hug yourself. Feel the compassion.

Breathe quiet compassion. 30 seconds will do it. That’s what we mean by slow down. Don’t be fixing things or figuring anything out then, but go slower. Everything you need is right there when your stuff comes up. Take a God break. Breathe quiet compassion. It’s a doorway to peace!

March 22, 2015 – Beauty & the Beast, Part 2: Embracing the Pain

03/22/15 Rev. David McArthur
Beauty & the Beast, Part 2: Healing the Pain

Our assignment last week was to heal our pain from past relationships. A change of perception will move us to the wholeness that we are. “Beauty & the Beast” talks of this spiritual awakening. It pictures the Kingdom of Heaven where divine love is caring for and supporting us in every moment. We can see the gifts (but not the giver). We can enter into our heart, into the feeling of goodness, the divine presence, by breathing the feeling of ease. But to grasp spiritual awareness is to forfeit life as we have known it.

Beauty (our feeling side) consciously enters the presence of the ugly fearsome Beast. How do we move into the conscious presence of “ugly” (the pain we carry from past experiences)? We must accept and be aware of it consciously. Breathe ease and hold the feelings in the heart. If we are in our head we go into the blame circle. But in the heart the spiritual energy holds it without judgment. It just is.

Beauty’s perception of the Beast begins to change. She still sees ugly, but also sees nobility, caring, and wisdom. Simply holding the ugly in our heart we begin to see more. Our perception changes. Beauty asks for some time to return to her family and what she misses. The Beast won’t refuse her anything, but warns “if you don’t return I will die.” If we don’t return to healing, the opportunity to heal changes. So Beauty returns to her family and soon forgets her promise to go back to the castle. She dreams one night she is in the castle and the Beast has died. So the next day she hurries back to the castle with intention, searching out of care for what had previously been frightening and ugly to her. She has grown.

Drafted to serve in Viet Nam, Arthur’s love for his wife Marina carried him through the ugliness he found there. Unfortunately, she found another and broke his heart. He used meaningless relationships, drugs and alcohol to cope, until he realized he had to change. He found a new relationship and happily remarried. Then Marina arrived to make amends. His terrible heartache returned. He had moved on but had not healed. The purpose of forgiveness is not to develop excellent coping mechanisms, but to heal the pain and find freedom from it. He went to his heart, where he had compassion for his pain that was real. He healed, and now says, “whenever I recall those days, I can do it with a smile…I can experience that goodness because it is here.”

Beauty finds the Beast near death. Compassion washes over her. You too can embrace the ugly within and feel the compassion in your heart. The tears of compassion break the ugliness and there is only healing, beauty, love, wholeness, freedom. I embrace my pain with compassion. I am free. I embrace my pain with compassion. I am free. I embrace my pain with compassion. I am free. That beautiful power and light that flows through us is no longer blocked and flows to those around us and creates that state of consciousness known as “happily ever after”!

March 22, 2015 – Beauty & the Beast, Part 2: Embracing the Pain

03/22/15 Rev. David McArthur
Beauty & the Beast, Part 2: Healing the Pain

Our assignment last week was to heal our pain from past relationships. A change of perception will move us to the wholeness that we are. “Beauty & the Beast” talks of this spiritual awakening. It pictures the Kingdom of Heaven where divine love is caring for and supporting us in every moment. We can see the gifts (but not the giver). We can enter into our heart, into the feeling of goodness, the divine presence, by breathing the feeling of ease. But to grasp spiritual awareness is to forfeit life as we have known it.

Beauty (our feeling side) consciously enters the presence of the ugly fearsome Beast. How do we move into the conscious presence of “ugly” (the pain we carry from past experiences)? We must accept and be aware of it consciously. Breathe ease and hold the feelings in the heart. If we are in our head we go into the blame circle. But in the heart the spiritual energy holds it without judgment. It just is.

Beauty’s perception of the Beast begins to change. She still sees ugly, but also sees nobility, caring, and wisdom. Simply holding the ugly in our heart we begin to see more. Our perception changes. Beauty asks for some time to return to her family and what she misses. The Beast won’t refuse her anything, but warns “if you don’t return I will die.” If we don’t return to healing, the opportunity to heal changes. So Beauty returns to her family and soon forgets her promise to go back to the castle. She dreams one night she is in the castle and the Beast has died. So the next day she hurries back to the castle with intention, searching out of care for what had previously been frightening and ugly to her. She has grown.

Drafted to serve in Viet Nam, Arthur’s love for his wife Marina carried him through the ugliness he found there. Unfortunately, she found another and broke his heart. He used meaningless relationships, drugs and alcohol to cope, until he realized he had to change. He found a new relationship and happily remarried. Then Marina arrived to make amends. His terrible heartache returned. He had moved on but had not healed. The purpose of forgiveness is not to develop excellent coping mechanisms, but to heal the pain and find freedom from it. He went to his heart, where he had compassion for his pain that was real. He healed, and now says, “whenever I recall those days, I can do it with a smile…I can experience that goodness because it is here.”

Beauty finds the Beast near death. Compassion washes over her. You too can embrace the ugly within and feel the compassion in your heart. The tears of compassion break the ugliness and there is only healing, beauty, love, wholeness, freedom. I embrace my pain with compassion. I am free. I embrace my pain with compassion. I am free. I embrace my pain with compassion. I am free. That beautiful power and light that flows through us is no longer blocked and flows to those around us and creates that state of consciousness known as “happily ever after”!


January 25, 2015 – Year of Forgiveness

01/25/15 Rev. David McArthur with Robert Plath & Takashi Tanemori
Year of Forgiveness

Ghandi said, “Forgiveness is not a weakness, it is a strength.” A Course In Miracles says, “All illness comes from unforgiveness.” A survivor of Auschwitz, Eva Kor, learned that the greatest gift, one no one—even Dr. Mengele—could take away from her, was forgiveness. “It’s for me, not for him” she said. “I want to be free of the darkness, not suffer in unforgiveness.” Forgiveness is the greatest miracle of all. When Robert Plath was 13 his father died and he became head of the family, and life was a fight. “It took years for me to get over it.” You want to heal and have your heart open up. Take the cover off your light. It is most heroic to get over all that revenge and live open and free.

From 1900 to the year 2000, 100 million people died at the hands of fellow human beings. Takashi Tanemori was 8 when the American bombing of Hiroshima took his entire family, from his baby sister to his grandparents. He had no one and nowhere to go. He ate at the dump with the rats. His father had schooled him, regardless of the cultural pressures, to “live your life for the benefit of others… This is the simplest way to make the world a safer and peaceful place.” But he vowed to avenge his family, and in ten years he was able to go to America to do that.

He was not welcomed with open arms in America, and felt betrayed again by the “Christian nation”. He went to an immigrant work camp. A nurse told him of the One of endless love, but “I worried I hadn’t avenged my father, that I hadn’t kept my word to him.”. It took forty years, but he did learn about true love and forgiveness. Now he is free as a bird. He turned from revenge to forgiveness. I learned to avenge my father by learning forgiveness. “The greatest way to have revenge upon your enemy is to learn to forgive. And now I fly in the blue sky! It is the ultimate demonstration of love.”

We carry with us what no longer serves the beings we really are. Robert Plath and Takashi Tanemori have opened a door for us to let us know there is a beautiful way for us. We can forgive and release; it’ll bring us to peace. Take this moment. I commit to forgiveness. I commit to forgiveness. I commit to forgiveness.

It is said that time has the power to heal. But forgiveness is beyond time. You have the power to move that rock by forgiveness. The whole world can change and the peace cannot be contained.

January 25, 2015 – Year of Forgiveness

01/25/15 Rev. David McArthur with Robert Plath & Takashi Tanemori
Year of Forgiveness

Ghandi said, “Forgiveness is not a weakness, it is a strength.” A Course In Miracles says, “All illness comes from unforgiveness.” A survivor of Auschwitz, Eva Kor, learned that the greatest gift, one no one—even Dr. Mengele—could take away from her, was forgiveness. “It’s for me, not for him” she said. “I want to be free of the darkness, not suffer in unforgiveness.” Forgiveness is the greatest miracle of all. When Robert Plath was 13 his father died and he became head of the family, and life was a fight. “It took years for me to get over it.” You want to heal and have your heart open up. Take the cover off your light. It is most heroic to get over all that revenge and live open and free.

From 1900 to the year 2000, 100 million people died at the hands of fellow human beings. Takashi Tanemori was 8 when the American bombing of Hiroshima took his entire family, from his baby sister to his grandparents. He had no one and nowhere to go. He ate at the dump with the rats. His father had schooled him, regardless of the cultural pressures, to “live your life for the benefit of others… This is the simplest way to make the world a safer and peaceful place.” But he vowed to avenge his family, and in ten years he was able to go to America to do that.

He was not welcomed with open arms in America, and felt betrayed again by the “Christian nation”. He went to an immigrant work camp. A nurse told him of the One of endless love, but “I worried I hadn’t avenged my father, that I hadn’t kept my word to him.”. It took forty years, but he did learn about true love and forgiveness. Now he is free as a bird. He turned from revenge to forgiveness. I learned to avenge my father by learning forgiveness. “The greatest way to have revenge upon your enemy is to learn to forgive. And now I fly in the blue sky! It is the ultimate demonstration of love.”

We carry with us what no longer serves the beings we really are. Robert Plath and Takashi Tanemori have opened a door for us to let us know there is a beautiful way for us. We can forgive and release; it’ll bring us to peace. Take this moment. I commit to forgiveness. I commit to forgiveness. I commit to forgiveness.

It is said that time has the power to heal. But forgiveness is beyond time. You have the power to move that rock by forgiveness. The whole world can change and the peace cannot be contained.


September 21, 2014 – Send Healing Love

9/21/14 Rev. David McArthur
Send Healing Love

Today is the UN’s International Day of Peace and is our chance to join in prayers for peace with others of all religions around the world. All people share an understanding, a consciousness, like an energy grid. The more we fill it with the consciousness of peace, the more we will see a greater consciousness of peace in the world. Our prayers and intentions are a part of that. However, I was watching the news about ISIS and the beheadings, and when I asked myself then what I was contributing to the grid, peace was not a part of my contribution.

One of those wonderful mystics we have been gifted with, Black Elk, wrote,“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and … [that] at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” I was forced to admit it is there in those people in the news. And in me. How can I get there?

I can start by being aware that I contribute to the lack of peace, but also that I have choice. I can focus my awareness, and respond with a state of peace within myself. But then I remembered my favorite spiritual leader didn’t say “Send peace to your enemies”; He said “Love your enemies”. Wow! That’s bigger than peace. How do I do that? I looked at how I perceived the people in that violence. I could find nothing to love. I knew that conflict comes out of pain, and I saw great pain and fear in these people with swords and guns. I also saw that peace does not heal pain. But when we step into the flow of love there is power there that changes us all.

I’d like to send love to those people in violence, in pain. Let’s go to the tremendous love in our own hearts. Now turn your attention to those people on TV with the swords and guns. Black Elk said the presence of the Great Spirit is within each of those. To them say, “I do not know your world, your pain, your fear, but I know that within you is the presence of Divine Love which loves you just as you are, without limit or condition. It can flow through you and heal your pain. We ask that for you. Mother Father God, we ask that their fear dissolves and they discover Your Divine Love and that it flows through them.

“We do not wish you suffering. We do not ask for justice. We ask the grace of God flow through your lives and that you are healed and free. We know this Divine Love can heal your hearts and we ask it be so here and now. Amen.”

There might be others at home, at work, who do not find peace in their worlds. When you see them with pain, send them God’s love. I send you God’s love. I send you God’s love. I send you God’s love. That is the moment when peace is created!
