November 23, 2014 – Something Wonderful Is Happening Right Now

11/23/14 Rev. Mary Omwake
Something Wonderful Is Happening Right Now

Aloha! When you say “aloha” don’t you just feel happy? Your whole body opens up. “A” means “from the very first light from the beginning” and “lo” means “eternal”. “Ha”—we share the breath of God. “A-lo-ha”—from the very beginning, forever, we share the breath of God. “Aloha” lifts your vibration.

We live in vibration; that’s really all there is. We all want to live in a vibration where the highest and best comes. But a shock, a disappointment, takes the vibration way down. Then we don’t understand what’s going on. We’re not living in alignment with Spirit and our dream inside. We are less able to handle our troubles. Drama is created, and your vibration can be seen in everything that comes out of your mouth. But the universe must match your vibration. It’s all there is. If that is what you want, it gives you more. It says, “repeat!”

Jesus said that when you wake (when you know you created your troubles), you will be disturbed. But when you know, “you will be with me forever.” So when trouble comes, go down there, find out how you created it and clear the stuff out and come back. Seek and don’t stop until you find. Its the best worst thing that ever happens. And so when trouble comes, you know something wonderful is happening right now! The word for it is “apocatastisis.

If someone takes your parking space, say apocatastisis! Something wonderful is happening right now! It is the constant awareness of ever unfolding good. It keeps your vibration up to know this.

A CEO in Detroit dreamed of raising big horn cattle. He sold everything he had and left a high salary, power and prestige behind. He bought land in Oklahoma, but there was no water on it. He went to his spiritual mentor, who told him, “Apocatastisis. (Something wonderful is happening right now.)” He started drilling for water and soon had spent all his money without finding it. His mentor again told him, “Apocatastisis.” He spent all he could borrow from the bank, and from family and friends. No water. He was desperate. Again his adviser told him, “Apocatastisis.” With only enough money left for one or two more drills, he hit oil! The largest strike in Oklahoma ever. He never did find water, but now he can truck in all he wants for his herd. Apocatastisis.

Years ago I was on the beach in Maui listening to an interview with Warren Buffet. When asked when he might retire, he said, “Retire?! Everyday I get to do work I love with people I cherish.” It is the constant awareness of ever unfolding good. Apocatastisis! Something good is happening right now! God bless you!

August 24, 2014 – Words Have The Power To Create

8/24/14 Rev. Blaine Tinsley
Words Have The Power To Create

I always think of this as my “home” church. Culliver Brookman would begin her Sunday lesson when she was minister here by asking “How are you?” and we’d all answer “Great!” and she’d reply “Good choice!” I learned we get to choose how we feel and we get to choose how we think. And here I also learned, “The presence of God is within me.” In Unity we want to do more than know about God, we want to experience the presence of God in everything we do—in everything we think and do and say.

So how can we use our words more effectively? There is a Hawaiian saying which says, “There is life in the mouth and there is death in the mouth.” Jesus put it this way,”You brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Both the Hawaiians and the Buddhists have a proverb that says that a person is born with an axe in his mouth!

But when we speak of good we lift our selves. When we are totally in alignment with our heart then we speak from the heart. What we speak creates. We are the One Presence, the One Power, individual expressions of that Oneness.

The first thing to do is to realize that! Affirm, “I am speaking words of truth and oneness to myself right now.” What we say to ourselves we convince ourselves of and experience it.

Second, my world changed for me when I beheld the presence of God in others. Say,”I behold the presence of God in everyone right now.” The second coming of Christ is the realization of our oneness.

Thirdly, in order for our words and thoughts to have real power, we have to know the truth to speak it. But the powerful way to create is to listen to the heart. What does Spirit want for you? That’s how Spirit works through us. Everything we do is because of a desire within us. “Spirit, what is it You want for me?” “… out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Our words have the power to create. “I listen with my heart and speak words that create a loving world.”

Aloha! God bless you!

August 24, 2014 – Words Have The Power To Create

8/24/14 Rev. Blaine Tinsley
Words Have The Power To Create

I always think of this as my “home” church. Culliver Brookman would begin her Sunday lesson when she was minister here by asking “How are you?” and we’d all answer “Great!” and she’d reply “Good choice!” I learned we get to choose how we feel and we get to choose how we think. And here I also learned, “The presence of God is within me.” In Unity we want to do more than know about God, we want to experience the presence of God in everything we do—in everything we think and do and say.

So how can we use our words more effectively? There is a Hawaiian saying which says, “There is life in the mouth and there is death in the mouth.” Jesus put it this way,”You brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Both the Hawaiians and the Buddhists have a proverb that says that a person is born with an axe in his mouth!

But when we speak of good we lift our selves. When we are totally in alignment with our heart then we speak from the heart. What we speak creates. We are the One Presence, the One Power, individual expressions of that Oneness.

The first thing to do is to realize that! Affirm, “I am speaking words of truth and oneness to myself right now.” What we say to ourselves we convince ourselves of and experience it.

Second, my world changed for me when I beheld the presence of God in others. Say,”I behold the presence of God in everyone right now.” The second coming of Christ is the realization of our oneness.

Thirdly, in order for our words and thoughts to have real power, we have to know the truth to speak it. But the powerful way to create is to listen to the heart. What does Spirit want for you? That’s how Spirit works through us. Everything we do is because of a desire within us. “Spirit, what is it You want for me?” “… out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Our words have the power to create. “I listen with my heart and speak words that create a loving world.”

Aloha! God bless you!


February 9, 2014 – Receptivity to Abundance

2/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
Receptivity to Abundance

Once we’ve entered into the receptivity of the heart, things happen to us because we are connected to the flow of the infinite through the heart. We can check that by asking, “Is there a flow of love and abundance in my life or are there limitations?”

Jesus’ feeding of the 4000 identifies the level of the spiritual consciousness present there, and is a picture of the spiritual potential within us now. Begin with compassion. The head can think compassion but it cannot feel it. It is an experience within the heart. We have this powerful spiritual potential. It is the Christ Self, the Atman, the Buddha Mind, the I Am. It is there within when we respond to compassion. Jesus had the crowd sit down (and shut up). So quiet the mind. In your heart move from compassion to appreciation (it is so powerful); Jesus gave thanks. They ate and were satisfied. This shows it is a spiritual experience, since the head is never satisfied. Satisfaction is an experience of spiritual fullness—in the flow of compassion and appreciation is the satisfaction of the spiritual self. In receptivity something changes and the experience then is “more than enough”.

Catherine Ponder, the prosperity teacher, says, “The experience of love draws our good to us.” A single mother, needing a car badly, brought the kids together and prayed, “divine love now brings the money to buy the perfect car for us and pay for it without strain.” Things began to move, a step at a time. A cousin was selling a car, but made arrangements with her instead. Then she got a bonus at work and then a pay raise. She got the car “without strain”. Within the experience of “not enough” is “I’m not worthy. I’m not good enough.” When you see “not enough” it is the presence of a block within you. What was within that blocked the mother’s good was healed by the love itself. It brings what is not in wholeness into wholeness. The blocks can be healed.

Catherine Ponder herself was trying to collect some money long owed her when she read, from Emma Curtis Hopkins, that everything is really full of love for you. Your good will come flying to you when you know that what you love is love. All is love. There is nothing in the universe but love. (Your brain will never agree, so tell it to “sit down”.) There is nothing—nothing–but love! Catherine Ponder says, “I felt something hard move in the area of my heart and I breathed more easily.” The money appeared shortly with apologies.

In our receptivity, our experience is always that the block we have held dissolves when a new state of consciousness is reached. The change in the outer—the abundance—is the affect; the real change is in the heart.

There is nothing in the universe but love. There is nothing in the universe but love. There is nothing in the universe but love.
There is nothing in my life but love. There is nothing in my life but love. There is nothing in my life but love.
There is nothing in that relationship but love. There is nothing in that relationship but love. There is nothing in that relationship but love.

You are in the universe; you are love!

February 9, 2014 – Receptivity to Abundance

2/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
Receptivity to Abundance

Once we’ve entered into the receptivity of the heart, things happen to us because we are connected to the flow of the infinite through the heart. We can check that by asking, “Is there a flow of love and abundance in my life or are there limitations?”

Jesus’ feeding of the 4000 identifies the level of the spiritual consciousness present there, and is a picture of the spiritual potential within us now. Begin with compassion. The head can think compassion but it cannot feel it. It is an experience within the heart. We have this powerful spiritual potential. It is the Christ Self, the Atman, the Buddha Mind, the I Am. It is there within when we respond to compassion. Jesus had the crowd sit down (and shut up). So quiet the mind. In your heart move from compassion to appreciation (it is so powerful); Jesus gave thanks. They ate and were satisfied. This shows it is a spiritual experience, since the head is never satisfied. Satisfaction is an experience of spiritual fullness—in the flow of compassion and appreciation is the satisfaction of the spiritual self. In receptivity something changes and the experience then is “more than enough”.

Catherine Ponder, the prosperity teacher, says, “The experience of love draws our good to us.” A single mother, needing a car badly, brought the kids together and prayed, “divine love now brings the money to buy the perfect car for us and pay for it without strain.” Things began to move, a step at a time. A cousin was selling a car, but made arrangements with her instead. Then she got a bonus at work and then a pay raise. She got the car “without strain”. Within the experience of “not enough” is “I’m not worthy. I’m not good enough.” When you see “not enough” it is the presence of a block within you. What was within that blocked the mother’s good was healed by the love itself. It brings what is not in wholeness into wholeness. The blocks can be healed.

Catherine Ponder herself was trying to collect some money long owed her when she read, from Emma Curtis Hopkins, that everything is really full of love for you. Your good will come flying to you when you know that what you love is love. All is love. There is nothing in the universe but love. (Your brain will never agree, so tell it to “sit down”.) There is nothing—nothing–but love! Catherine Ponder says, “I felt something hard move in the area of my heart and I breathed more easily.” The money appeared shortly with apologies.

In our receptivity, our experience is always that the block we have held dissolves when a new state of consciousness is reached. The change in the outer—the abundance—is the affect; the real change is in the heart.

There is nothing in the universe but love. There is nothing in the universe but love. There is nothing in the universe but love.
There is nothing in my life but love. There is nothing in my life but love. There is nothing in my life but love.
There is nothing in that relationship but love. There is nothing in that relationship but love. There is nothing in that relationship but love.

You are in the universe; you are love!


January 19, 2014 – The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

1/19/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

Today we get to the good stuff, our third step—heart feeling. Our brain is so good at figuring things out we use it by default, but it can only get you to the heart. Entry into the heart, the connection to the infinite, is through heart feeling. The way there is love. But it is not the natural response when we are upset. In difficulty, or just uncomfortable moments, we give our comfort over to someone else. But there is so much love in the heart that we only need to touch a small part of it to get into it. An easy way is appreciation.

Feeling appreciation is what takes us into the power, peace, harmony, and abundance. I was downtown shopping recently and took too long to cross the street. The cars moved closer impatiently till I got to the sidewalk. A motorcycle officer pulled up and addressed me with anger that was far beyond anything that I had caused. Easily embarrassed and trained as a lawyer to point out the other person’s weaknesses, I so wanted to engage him. However, aware of my feelings, I put my hand on my heart and went to appreciation to get into my heart. Now, every grandparent knows that no matter what’s going on, they always feel love when they appreciate their grandchildren. So I refrained from adding to his anger. When he was through getting in my face he left and didn’t even give me a ticket.

Your heart does not give you power over others, but it does give you power over you, and that’s who you are responsible for. You do not need to appreciate the pain the other is in, nor participate in it and make his pain any greater. What you can do is find your freedom. Make that choice to enter into a spiritual connection.

You have the ability to walk this world in peace. You are an infinite being of magnificent power which is always there. When you begin to feel the other way, you have a tool. Enter into the feeling—appreciate God is good all the time! That goodness is in your heart and you have access to it all the time. It’s there! Even weeks after a difficult experience, it’s there!

Step one: self-awareness. Step two: heart focus. Now step three: Heart feeling. You have power. On this, Krishnamurti said, “You will discover that for you, the world transforms.” And an amazing thing happens: the more you find your peace, the easier it is for all others. For your heart being that way, I thank you!


January 19, 2014 – The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

1/19/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Third Step to the Heart: Heart Feeling

Today we get to the good stuff, our third step—heart feeling. Our brain is so good at figuring things out we use it by default, but it can only get you to the heart. Entry into the heart, the connection to the infinite, is through heart feeling. The way there is love. But it is not the natural response when we are upset. In difficulty, or just uncomfortable moments, we give our comfort over to someone else. But there is so much love in the heart that we only need to touch a small part of it to get into it. An easy way is appreciation.

Feeling appreciation is what takes us into the power, peace, harmony, and abundance. I was downtown shopping recently and took too long to cross the street. The cars moved closer impatiently till I got to the sidewalk. A motorcycle officer pulled up and addressed me with anger that was far beyond anything that I had caused. Easily embarrassed and trained as a lawyer to point out the other person’s weaknesses, I so wanted to engage him. However, aware of my feelings, I put my hand on my heart and went to appreciation to get into my heart. Now, every grandparent knows that no matter what’s going on, they always feel love when they appreciate their grandchildren. So I refrained from adding to his anger. When he was through getting in my face he left and didn’t even give me a ticket.

Your heart does not give you power over others, but it does give you power over you, and that’s who you are responsible for. You do not need to appreciate the pain the other is in, nor participate in it and make his pain any greater. What you can do is find your freedom. Make that choice to enter into a spiritual connection.

You have the ability to walk this world in peace. You are an infinite being of magnificent power which is always there. When you begin to feel the other way, you have a tool. Enter into the feeling—appreciate God is good all the time! That goodness is in your heart and you have access to it all the time. It’s there! Even weeks after a difficult experience, it’s there!

Step one: self-awareness. Step two: heart focus. Now step three: Heart feeling. You have power. On this, Krishnamurti said, “You will discover that for you, the world transforms.” And an amazing thing happens: the more you find your peace, the easier it is for all others. For your heart being that way, I thank you!

December 15, 2013 – God as Santa

12/15/13 Rev. David McArthur
God As Santa

Christmas is a celebration of giving, when intention is set into motion. We create a time of giving and love in the Earth. Giving gifts is an experience of the Divine—because giving is the nature of God.

As opposed to religious teaching, spiritual teaching goes to all the children to let them know they are just as special as Jesus was. We use a grandfather figure with a flowing beard (God) who gives gifts and is dressed in red (for life and vitality). We don’t get to see him Christmas night (when we experience the Divine, most don’t recognize it), but he leaves the gifts (symbols of Divine love) in the home. The hearth (the heart of the home) spreads light and warmth throughout. The chimney is the vertical access to the higher consciousness. The North Pole (for Heaven) is real and the reindeer and sleigh that fly are the magic (the love) which makes it all work. There’s another part too, the asking—the list for Santa—to teach the children to open to receive.

The goodness of God is available to you no matter how naughty you have been because you are a child of God. The truth is, Divine love gives because you are.

When children grow they begin to understand they can give, and begin to know the truth and power of Santa: we are expressing the Divine. Generosity and abundance are as we express them and it is Divine.

It’s not about religion. As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston yearned for a joyous Christmas celebration in his home, and promised himself that when he had a family, they’d have a Christmas tree with all the trimmings. He liked playing Santa for his children so much that he also played Santa in New York City for 12 years. He would go to the post office and read the children’ letters addressed to the North Pole. So moved by the children expressing real need, he’d visit them as Santa on Christmas Day giving toys from their list. At one home there was a girl that stood off to the side. He went to her and in a whisper asked why she wasn’t joining in. She answered she wasn’t from the family, she was Jewish. He whispered back, “So am I!”

Thanks Spirit, for involving the commercial world in it, too. However, it’s not a commercial experience, but a spiritual one. Isn’t it wonderful—a joyous expression of Divine love! There are no conditions—you are loved and are the expression of Divine love! Let it flow—forget budgets! Affirm, “Santa lives in me!” I’m so grateful Santa lives through you!

December 15, 2013 – God as Santa

12/15/13 Rev. David McArthur
God As Santa

Christmas is a celebration of giving, when intention is set into motion. We create a time of giving and love in the Earth. Giving gifts is an experience of the Divine—because giving is the nature of God.

As opposed to religious teaching, spiritual teaching goes to all the children to let them know they are just as special as Jesus was. We use a grandfather figure with a flowing beard (God) who gives gifts and is dressed in red (for life and vitality). We don’t get to see him Christmas night (when we experience the Divine, most don’t recognize it), but he leaves the gifts (symbols of Divine love) in the home. The hearth (the heart of the home) spreads light and warmth throughout. The chimney is the vertical access to the higher consciousness. The North Pole (for Heaven) is real and the reindeer and sleigh that fly are the magic (the love) which makes it all work. There’s another part too, the asking—the list for Santa—to teach the children to open to receive.

The goodness of God is available to you no matter how naughty you have been because you are a child of God. The truth is, Divine love gives because you are.

When children grow they begin to understand they can give, and begin to know the truth and power of Santa: we are expressing the Divine. Generosity and abundance are as we express them and it is Divine.

It’s not about religion. As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston yearned for a joyous Christmas celebration in his home, and promised himself that when he had a family, they’d have a Christmas tree with all the trimmings. He liked playing Santa for his children so much that he also played Santa in New York City for 12 years. He would go to the post office and read the children’ letters addressed to the North Pole. So moved by the children expressing real need, he’d visit them as Santa on Christmas Day giving toys from their list. At one home there was a girl that stood off to the side. He went to her and in a whisper asked why she wasn’t joining in. She answered she wasn’t from the family, she was Jewish. He whispered back, “So am I!”

Thanks Spirit, for involving the commercial world in it, too. However, it’s not a commercial experience, but a spiritual one. Isn’t it wonderful—a joyous expression of Divine love! There are no conditions—you are loved and are the expression of Divine love! Let it flow—forget budgets! Affirm, “Santa lives in me!” I’m so grateful Santa lives through you!


November 17, 2013 – Ignite Your Life

11/17/13 Rev. Jim Lee
Ignite Your Life

The kingdom of Heaven is right here, right now! The truth of our reality is abundance and prosperity and we need to manifest it. If you know and experience and demonstrate the complete experience of God Almighty as our source, you will create wealth and health. Charles Fillmore said that this is not a theory, but a demonstrated fact. Now is the time to open your mind and see. It’s like air—you need to breath it in to get it. Your prosperity is yours alone and you alone must get it. It’s not about money, but God, about being in the presence of divine flow, including financial prosperity. Some don’t want money because of some things in the Bible, as “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” But this is a misrepresentation. Jesus was pointing out that the rich man wasn’t into God as much as he was into money.

Yes, God Is Good All The Time. Do you trust in it—like when you are cut off in traffic? Do you pause and say to yourself, “God has got this, really!” Trust the process! Focus in on the truth: the magnificence of God. Keep you eye on God more than the condition or situation. I put a bowl of my dog’s favorite food on the floor but told him to wait. His eyes stayed focused on mine and he never broke his gaze until I told him it was ok to eat. We have to stay focused on God, not the manifestation of our fears that we project into our world. Will Smith, in “Beyond Earth”, tells his son that danger is real, but fear is optional. He told his son that in the midst of danger, get grounded and take yourself out of the moment and focus on truth. You can choose not to fear by staying focused.

We have mis-programmed our subconscious, which is where the power is. The ‘chemicalization” in the subconscious is then projected into our world. When we introduce a positive thought into a sea of mis-belief and negative programming, it seems all Hell breaks loose. This is called the 2nd force. The bubbling up of the 2nd force shows what needs to be healed. It is actually a good thing because it reveals the stuff we need to heal! So say “Oh goodie! Make my day!” It’s an opportunity to grow! On the other side is healing, prosperity. Life like never before! Tap into your divine birthright. You can have Heaven on Earth right now. Say, “Oh goodie! Make my day!”