September 25, 2011 – Steps of Manifestation

9/25/11 Rev. David McArthur

“The inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in lack. Abundance is here and now manifest.” –Charles Fillmore. God is good all the time, even when what we worked to manifest doesn’t show up, God is still good all the time. The question isn’t about God, but, “Are you willing to commit?” 

From Matthew, chapter 17, verses 24 through 27, “Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”  “Yes, he does,” he replied. When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”  “From others,” Peter answered.  “Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him. “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”
The medium of exchange is not the true picture. Divine love is the source. The abundance of divine presence is the goal for you. You are one with God. In truth, you never owe or are owed as a spiritual being. Ask of Spiritual Presence for direction. Go to the realm of energy, of Spirit represented by the lake. It is deep, but look in and “fish” out an idea. Act on the first “fish” (idea). Use it to pay the “tax”, and meet your needs in the 3D world.

We create our experiences. Let’s have joyful experiences. Open to the flow. Call the flow of God into your life. Awaken to the abundance. Act upon it. You can call it forth; you have the power. “The inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in lack.” Pull out the instruction from within and act on it. “Abundance is here and now manifest.” Nothing has any power over you but that which is true love and supports you without limitation, for you are the beloved child of God!

September 18, 2011 – Love the Worrier

9/18/11 Rev. David McArthur

“Love the Worrier” We love to celebrate and party, and sing “Don’t worry; be happy!” Jesus said, in Matthew 6; 26, 27, that the Father feeds the birds of the air even though they do not store food, and we are even more important. He said that worry will not add one year to your life. So what are you worrying about? We learn from HeartMath that worry actually shortens your life. And you can always find someone to worry with you. You know not to do it, but you do it anyway, thinking, “If I didn’t worry about you I wouldn’t be loving you.” That is not true. Worry comes from the head. We think it comes from caring. But care gives you energy and lifts you up. Worry takes you down. The joy begins to drain away. You think, “What if this or that happens… Oh, no, I’d be powerless.” That’s not part of love– it’s from fear and anxiety.

As a spiritual being you have the power to not go there. How do we do it? Besides Freeze Frame, you have power to connect to that pure being where all love and intelligence flows, where you heal the fears behind the worry. Step into a greater wholeness. We are no longer at a level where we let fear and insecurity run our lives. They come up to be healed. So ask, “What needs to be loved?” Answer, “my worrier!” The first thing to be healed is me. And because my life is the mirror [expression] of me, then the expression of me [my life] will change. Know the only thing out there is the goodness of God. Bring that love, that compassion, to the part of yourself that didn’t know that. The beautiful power of compassion sends the power to heal the worrier. Love the worrier part of you; it responds. Hold it in your love. The feeling begins to change. The energy drain stops. It lifts you up. Thank God we get to heal our self and look at the world through Truth. God is our source. “God is my instant, constant, abundant supply.”

When our consciousness is ready, love will show up. It is always there. The only limit on God’s abundance is what we let in. You have to know the truth. Infinite wisdom, infinite power, infinite intelligence can take care of it and will if you let it. God is our source, our power. When you come to worry, treat it with compassion. Say, “I’d rather not worry and be happy!”

September 11, 2011 – An Experience of God

9/11/11 Rev. David McArthur

When a broad survey asked, “What is it that you are looking for (in your church)?”, a large proportion answered that it was the personal experience of the presence of God. On a trip to the ancient section of the city of Jerusalem, I saw a group of obviously devout women. One smiled directly at me, and I felt waves of love. It was a gift. It awakened my feelings of love, and that it was “feeling” that was the way I was touching the presence of divine love. Through our feeling nature we are able to expand our awareness– to realize what is giving the feeling is the movement of divine spirit through us.
Remember someone you really appreciate. What is it that you appreciate about this person? Next, feel the appreciation, not just think of it. Move from thought to feeling. Feel how the energy comes up in you, a movement, a flow of Spirit through you. Appreciation is part of love. There is a delight in appreciating another, and the energy that comes up in you. Your ability to feel love is the movement of the presence of God through you. Anytime you touch that love you feel the goodness, the awareness, the experience of the presence of God in you.
Jesus said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father…I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.” You are one with the divine. It is seamless from there to the presence of the divine when you see the light that you are– that energy– flow. How do we sense it? Through feelings.
Remember, God is good all the time! So what about the sad or negative feelings that drain us? They are the grief that we are not seeing the goodness, when we don’t feel the presence. But we know we are spiritual beings living in a spiritual world governed by spiritual law. And we know through feelings we touch the presence, and through appreciation we touch our feelings, and that it is easy to get to appreciation.
Feel the presence. You can’t get away from it. Everything is God. It is the wisdom, the light, the power that flows through you. Sad feelings are you ignoring that. So once a day this week, stop and go to appreciation. Feel the presence– that goodness. You are that love. Because we’ve seen you, we seen the Father! Bless you!

September 4, 2011 – For This I’ve Come, Lord Let Me…

9/4/11 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.

Everyone has challenges. When you are thinking, “Why me?”, why not you? Recall the story of Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4, 1-11). Metaphysically, the wilderness is the subconscious with all the erroneous beliefs– the things we think we’ve learned or have been told about ourselves. Jesus’ fasting shows we are to deny these erroneous human beliefs. And even for Him, when He needed to be cleansed of them, they came on harder than ever. So we must “fast” from them whenever they come up. The forty days signifies completion, which was then followed by hunger. That’s when those ideas tiptoe back. But we hunger for truth – to have it so badly– we will give those ideas up. We must listen to them to know them, but have a “comeback”– your truth that you have the power within you to overcome whatever challenges you. The word “Lord” in the Bible means the universal “law”. You cannot tempt the law, nor manipulate the universal law. If you align with it, everything works out. “Get behind me.” means “I no longer listen to you.”

Come into your self. Find where you are out of alignment with the law. Ask, “What am I not seeing?” OMG! A challenge can shift quickly when you find where you are out of alignment with the law. Everything is preparing you. What has happened to you really happens for you. You are being forged. Take your eye off the challenge. You are about to be called upon for something much grander than before. You are being prepared. Be grateful.

Five things to do when there is a challenge.

1. Tell your story. Pour your story out.
2. Feel it. Behind the feeling is the healing.
3. Look up. Above the condition. See the perfection in it as it plays out.
4. Reach up for your higher truth. Pray. Meditate. Read. Join a group.
5. Get up. Stand. Know God is there and will not leave you comfortless and is always with you.

And smile. Pray, “For this I have come. Let me do and say all you have put me here for. Thank you God. I am grateful. Even for the challenges which make me to be who I came here to be. Amen and Awomen!”

February 14, 2010 – Sacred Love

Rev. David McArthur

When we love, the One we are really loving is God. When love is present, the limits we normally see do not bind us. The state of love can change us from moment to moment. Commit to love and care.

Care is applied love. How powerfully we care expresses our love. Our first assignment is to be the love we are and care for ourselves and others.

The gift of love opens us to see others as they truly are. However, they do not need to choose to bring forth the truth we see. We often combine our vision with our expectations, but love need not return through the ones we love.

The gift of love frees us. Through the feeling and practice of care, we are being the instrument of love. The gift can come any way. Sometime it gives us time to be alone. The assignment is the same, to love and care for someone, even if it is yourself.

When we love, the One we are really loving is God.


Music by Heartdream

“Good Morning, This is God” – © 2005, David Brooks

“The Shelter of God’s Love” – © 2008, Steve and Mirabai Bangs

“Give Me Love” – Words and Music by George Harrison

“Love I Am” – © 2006, David Brooks

“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller