December 20, 2009 – A Special Christmas

Joyful Noise Choir

‘The baby Jesus shows us that love is something you do. You show love by what you do, not just by what you feel.

Over and over again, in the Bible, God commands us to love each other. And you can’t command an emotion.If love were just an emotion, then God couldn’t command it. But love is something you do. It can produce emotion, but love is an action.

The Bible says, “Let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions” (1 John 3:18 NLT). We can talk a good act: “I love people.” But do we really love them? Do you really love them? Our love is revealed in how we act toward them.’

Daily Hope, Posted by Rick Warren, December 10 2009

Let us take these wise words to heart, and take action this Christmas. Yes, we’re sending off a small mountain of shoes. We can join the carolers at Kensington Retirement Home Monday at 7. How many Red Cross kettles have you passed this year without dropping you change in? Just take a moment and think of the many opportunities you have to go only a little out of your way and thereby make this a wonderful Christmas season for you and yours and someone you don’t even know. Love is a verb of action.

Merry Christmas everyone!

— Your Prayer Team

December 13, 2009 – Becoming an Instrument

Rev. David McArthur

The angels of the Christmas story show God communicates with us directly, that we are connected with God and that it is a two way street. And the message in the Christmas story calls us each to be an instrument for bringing forth that which is greater. With our willingness and commitment to do so, and our moving on it, we need not know for what end. We might be an instrument of healing of body or heart. Or maybe we’ll bring peace into a family. We likely will never know, but the world will change because of our faithful action.

So with each Christmas carol you hear this season, with every gift you choose and every cookie you bake, celebrate. Celebrate because you got the message, God is talking to you. If you listen, if you reply, “What is mine to do?”, and open up to it, then, just as on that first Christmas night, the angels will sing “Glory to God in the highest; peace to all of good will”.

— Your Prayer Team


“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

December 6, 2009 – Expanding Consciousness through the Heart

Rev. David McArthur

“Now… scientists have realized …that the invisible, immaterial realm is far more important than the material realm… The new science …shows that your thoughts, your attitudes, your beliefs, and the invisible environment, are more primary in shaping your life than anything in the physical world is.” –Bruce Lipton, author and leading proponent of Epigenetics.

How lucky we are to live in these times in which science is actually proving our spirituality rather than treating it with disdain! And how lucky to know that we access our inner power and the “invisible environment” simply with the most basic of all life-giving steps — our breathing.

“I become centered now… With each breath I take in… I affirm … I am in the presence of God now and always. As I exhale… “Thank You, God!”… As I breathe in rhythm with God-life, I am renewed and energized.”

Daily Word – June 1, 2009

Let us this week remain aware of our inner, direct connection to the power that created and sustains the universe. Let us “breathe in rhythm with God-life”.

— Your Prayer Team


“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

November 15, 2009 – Cinderella (part 3): Steps to Happily Ever After

Rev. David McArthur

“…The divine essence within me, is my guide to spiritual living… Whether in an established time of prayer or a moment’s sigh of release, I am lifted into the light of divine potential where I receive guidance and inspiration. I consciously connect with the Christ and prepare to meet my good, to succeed and to prosper in my endeavors… ‘God chose to make known how great… are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.’–Colossians 1:27” Daily Word- October 15, 2009

Thank you Rev. David for the “how to”:

Begin with being grateful for the people, animal friends, or events in your life which take you right to that place within that feels closest to God. Then acknowledge the power and love that flows through your heart. Now feel your conscious union of mind and heart with God.

You empower your knowledge with your feeling. You “enliven” it. Now you can live it.  God bless.

— Your Prayer Team


“Lord’s Prayer” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Walking in the Light” – Traditional, modified for Unity

“Peace Song” – Jill Jackson, Sy Miller

November 8, 2009 – Cinderella (part 2): Mystical Union

Rev. David McArthur

As we ponder the now moment, we might think of ourselves slicing time into ever thinner slices like a biologist slicing a specimen for a microscope slide. A video freeze frame is another good analogy in which a moment is frozen. That is the now. An instant in which motion and progression are not apparent– there is only the stop-action of the moment. Imagine how our solar system would look “in the now”– like a photo or drawing showing all the planets suspended in their orbits. As we ponder, we get the feeling the planets are bursting to move, they have to. The measure of potential energy ready to act is beyond our reckoning. If the planets don’t move, we feel they will explode, the potential energy is so great.

Isn’t this the potential Charles Fillmore directed us to appropriate with our intention? Remembering who we are with our minds and feeling or experiencing that knowledge with our hearts, we can, in the now moment, direct our potential to make it real. It can become reality. In the now moment when things appear to be suspended, we can nudge things into the right direction. We can “intend” them to be what fulfills our heart’s desire.  We can manifest the life we came here to live. Just as Cinderella slipped her foot into the glass slipper and claimed her right place in the kingdom, we too can slip into the now moment whenever possible in our busy day, if only for a second. In the now moment, we can direct our potential by envisioning our lives lived to their fullest, our potential becoming manifest. We can claim our rightful place in the Kingdom, and “live happily ever after”.

— Your Prayer Team

November 1, 2009 – Cinderella (part 1): Story of Transformation

Rev. David McArthur

Like the flower in the field reaching up to the sun, we strive to transform ourselves into what we came here to be. While positive thinking readies us, to rise to the next level we need to enfold ourselves in the love of God.

“My heart receives the comforting balm of God’s love. . .The love of God is a soothing balm, and it is also a great restorative power. . God’s love can never be diminished; good continuously pours into our lives in new and wonderful ways.” Daily Word  June 21, 1988

This is how we empower ourselves, and open ourselves to receive that good that is poured upon us without measure. As the vibrant colors of the flowers radiate their glory, let us radiate God’s love from our hearts. Let us transform ourselves into the beings we came here to be.

— Your Prayer Team

October 25, 2009 – The Soul of Money

Rev. Suzanne Leonard

Our faith sustains us. When we realize that God loves us– that the power and intellect of the universe has nothing but love for us– what else do we need?

Faith is more than simply a knowing or belief, more than just answers. Faith includes expectation, a confidence that good is unfolding.

Be certain for God’s presence and grateful for life’s possibilities. Learn to live from your spiritual center. Know that you can be healed, abundantly blessed, and be lifted in spirit, no matter what your background or personal history. Leave the past in the past. Look at the future with a deep and certain faith. Know that we are all created by God and richly deserving. Pray in faith, certain that God’s spirit is within each of us and that the right outcome is coming forth. — Daily word, October 22nd, 2004.


“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” -Mark 11:24

Mike Robbins asked, “How would you live if your every need was taken care of?” In faith, we know everything needed is already given, every prayer is already answered. So be joyous. Dance.

— Your Prayer Team

October 18, 2009 – Loving Our Fears

Rev. David McArthur

The 23rd psalm has calmed fear for millennia. In this new millennium, it couldn’t be more powerful or timely:

Spirit cares for me; everything needed is given.

She made me for lying down in green pastures;

She is the serene Provider.

In Spirit I return to wholeness;

Following the light of Spirit I tread a path of truth.


Yes, even though I go through the darkest of times,

I am not afraid, for You are always with me.

Your corrections and guidance comfort me.

You honor and celebrate me in spite of all my fears;

You shield me from distraction; I live in true abundance.


I know goodness and mercy will always be with me

And I will live in the light of Your presence forever.

And so it is.

— Your Prayer Team